Sunday, May 10, 2009

07-23-2006, 05:34 PM

This is a false dichotomy. The practical men at AmRen and BNP have suggested that something else be tried, and so some people will do that. You are one of them, and I have wished you well, both in public and in private. Some of us will be laying the groundwork for a different kind of activism, namely the meta-political. Will you not also wish us well?

Regarding your argument that "Name the Jew" doesn't work, pray tell us, why the delay in Engish translation and publication of Solshenitsyns' account of Russo-Jewish relations, Two Hundred Years Together? It has been five years now with no translation, and people are beginning to talk. And even though the book is not available in England and the United States (I will be happy to learn if this situation has changed) it certainly has been savaged in the press, most notably by Cathy Young (Jewish) in Reason magazine.

Why would Cathy Young, purported libertarian, denounce a book that her readers cannot obtain for themselves? Can you tell us the answer to that question?

You constantly refer to publishing and media as business interests which are driven by 'bottom line' calculations. Is this why there were so many feature films about the horrors of Communism made from the fifties to the current day? Is this why there are so many films about the American Revolution and the Founding Fathers? Is this why so many Christian positive films are made in a majority Christian country? Why are publishing houses not snapping up the new Solsynityn book? Why aren't the papers talking about the multiyear delay in an English translation of a major work of a Nobel Prize winner with global recognition? Why is there no scandal here? Can you explain all this to me?

Also, why not a wider and more public debate about Kevin MacDonald's intriguing book, The Culture of Critique? Were you aware that a council was convened at Slate magazine by Judith Shulevitz, where she attacked Stephen Pinker and other major (Jewish) evolutionary psychologists for not having already destroyed MacDonald's career? She was asking, in effect, how did this book come into being? Why does it exist? How did you fail in your prime task? And the (Jewish) evolutionary psychologists asked her, Judith, why are we speaking about this in public? By speaking about this is public, we will only alert readers to the book's existence.

Do you begin to see why, in this matter, I defer to the superior wisdom of the Jews and count as nothing your claim that open discussion of Jewish interests and strategies "doesn't work"? A race much more adept at survival than ourselves doesn't seem to agree with you, in fact their opinons and your own seem to be at complete variance, and I trust their instincts more than I trust your political acumen.

When I turn on the news, and see that every political action that is the result of Jewish crypsis, Jewish strategizing, or Jewish financing are discussed as such, as plainly and calmly as any other item of news, then I will discontinue my strategy of discussing Jewish ethnopolitical manuevers with compensatory emphasis. In other words, I will stop my program of education when its basic tenets are normalized elements of political debate and commentary everywhere on Earth.

Your complaint, that "name the Jew" doesn't work, is wrong. There are two truths for you here: firstly, that it does work, only more slowly than you would like and secondly, that education is never a waste.

Now, it is very likely that the new AmRen and BNP projects, if successful, will even further marginalize people who are honest about these matters. I understand your percieved necessity in disassociation from the Jewish Question, and would only suggest that you do not go so far in appeasing Jews that you interfere with our work, which, though slow, is vital. Trying to tar everyone of us with your broad brush of cranks, "Nutzis", or "KKKClowns" or what have you is indeed a strategy that "will not work". The mills of the gods grind slowly, but they grind out justice.

You asked me my political platform last week, and I told you: We are the dead, and the circle of sanity expands one by one.

That is still my position.

