Sunday, May 10, 2009

06-26-2006, 05:03 PM

There actually has been a lot of coverage about this. Take Robert Samuelson in the Washington Post. Bush's plan has gotten bad reviews in the New York Times as well. There is a "debate" on the immigration issue because the ruling class is split on it and because it is such a lemon with the bases of both major political parties.

This is true. I would add to the list of opportunistic infestations, the Bush family itself, which has dynastic pretensions. I will say that the ruling class seems quite committed to a)doubling legal immigration b)an amnesty c)AFTA and the ultimate confederation of Mexico, Canada, and the United States under the benevolent gaze of NGOs.

I have no question that they will fail, I only wish to a)take advantage of the situation to spread the word and b)minimize casualties. The last major Jewish push for globalization under Communism, under which I include a reactionary German response, did kill 100 million people and may have fatally comprimised our civilization.

I fear the next war the Jews are at the center of, which we may already be hip-deep in the Near East, may escalate to larger proportions. Which is to say, larger proportions than the Second World War.

I say this so that readers will understand my constant and vehement insistence on the permanent and total separation of Jews from every other population on Earth.

Wagner: "I consider the Jewish race the born enemy of pure humanity and all that is noble in man; there is no doubt that we Germans especially will be destroyed by them."

Voltaire: ""They are all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and The Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race."

That might very well be case, but I haven't seen much evidence of it.

My point was both that we have evidence that one major lobby - which was heretofore a major anti-immigration player - was taken out of the game by one Jew, and also that the climate of opinion in which the other opportunistic infections thrive is created by Jewish intervention. My messy analogy again: the patient really didn't die of feline leukemia, but of a comprimised immune system, destroyed by HIV. We are discussing proximate and distal causes.

It seems reasonable to me that business groups, like the Catholic Church, are doing this for their own reasons. That's the most parsimonious explanation. They don't care about the white race. They don't even identify with their own country anymore.

I have no doubt that businesses are doing it for their own reasons - they must now compete with other businesses which have limitless supplies of cheap labor. You almost can't not do it. Still - the U.S. Chamber of Commerce was not powerful enough to stop Operation Wetback. Why has happened between now and then to make this explosion in pro-immigration sentiment possible?

And for each answer to that question: the sixties, the Second World War, etc. - ask yourself, and what would these periods have been like with no Jewish input into American cultural or political life at all?

How far would the Civil Rights Movement have got, for example? However, I think you take my point. Proximate causes operate in a field established by distal causes. Yes, the Titanic is sinking because there is a tear in its hull beneath the waterline. With that in mind, why is there a tear in its hull beneath the waterline?

All this said, the discussion of the behavior of the Catholic Church is a complicated matter in its own right, and if we wish to go into that, it should become a separate thread. I obviously think that Catholic behavior in non-Catholic nations may require their sequestration and repatriation to Catholic nations, following a White self-recovery. Catholics are obviously politically untrustworthy, and I would say that they act like Jews, but lack the racial instincts for long-term crypsis and the almost supernatural levels of dissumulation of which even the meanest Jew seems born capable of.

One will note, however, that there are only two words in English that really express a Talmudic level of dissimulation: casusitry and Jesuitry. Both are from the Catholic tradition, both are synonyms for cunning and high-handed lies based on word-splitting and other forms of rhetoric.



06-28-2006, 11:26 PM

Where are we if we can never see sincerity or good in another, no matter what, always on account of race?

Don't listen to him, Julian. It's not a 'conspiracy' at all - especially not an 'Illuminati' one.

Just as Noam Chomsky strategizes to neutralize leftist anti-semitism by making it seem that Israel is a client state of the U.S. and "neo"-conservatives fund and theorize and promote only those 'conservatisms' which lead to bigger government, and military action abroad in favor of Israel.

Makow works the crowd that has its eyes on the NWO. He concedes to small Jewish crimes to direct what would otherwise be a beneficial anti-Judaism which could free us, to a fictional and illusory entity, the Illuminati.

He identifies you as a potentially important part of the resistance, Julian. Hence his mash note. He plays on your better instincts like a harp.

It's not a 'conspiracy' at all - its a religion and an evolutionary strategy. I think - and this may sound harsh, Julian -but it's time for you to reread the Old Testament as an adult, and with your filters off. It's a handbook of war against all non-Jewish races and groups, with the stated intent of the enslavement of the world.

If you don't have time to reread the O.T. this week, start here:

But don't spare yourself the O.T., either. It's time you exposed yourself to the full horror of what we're up against.

Just as 'neoliberals' like Peter Beinart, Marty Peretz, Franklin Foer, and Noam Chomsky redirect the funds, thinking and activity of gentile liberals in directions that are harmful to their own interests while keeping 'Jewish' activities off the map, and 'neoconservatives' redirect the funds, thinking and activity of conservatives into disastrous directions, Makow is pioneering what I'll call 'crypsis for kooks': sure there are some Jews in on it? but aren't there gentiles as well? Shouldnt' we all rather be fighting the Illuminati.

As a final note, I will simply observe that Makow believes in the Illuminati, though there is not one one thousandth the evidence for its existence, let alone wrongdoing, as there is for the Jewish group in books such as 'Culture of Critique' and 'When Victims Rule', both of which you should read, by the way. Where is evidence of the Illuminati?

No, I submit that Makow is simply another tentacle of Jewry, more dangerous in ways, than neoliberals or neoconservatives. He's an archon or threshold guardian offering you an out, saying, look here, all these terrible things you've discovered are true. You can speak out about any of them save Jewry.

The Birchers fell for this ruse a half centry ago. Someone with deep pockets showed up and said, we'll give you all this money to talk about the Communist conspiracy, but you must never mention the Jews, and disassociate yourself from those who do.

Ask youself: what became of the Birchers?

Now ask yourself again: what will become of you and the people you lead when you accept Makow's comforting proposition that it's the "Illuminati" and that people who discovered, and wish to act against, Jewry's role in the destruction of our spiritual, cultural and racial heritage are wrong? In other words, once his silky words slither into your ears, given your intelligence and dedication, how many Whites will you lead into open riducule and helplessness, a la the Birchers.

Until you posted Makow's parseltongue above, I didn't recognize him for what he is. No, he is not your friend, quite the opposite. But he has identified your importance, that much is sure. And he knows that it's more comfortable for you to believe you have Jewish friends who dont' wish to destroy you and your race than to believe that the whole rotten colony organism is parastism on a world historical scale, with a supernatural gift for dissimulation.

Nor does it require conspiracy. You, Julian, understand quite well about Race Memory. If you read MacDonald's 'Culture of Critique', you'll read dozens of instances where Jews fool themselves about what they really beleive, the better to fool their host cultures. This is not premeditated (except perhaps by the authors of the Bible) nor does it require smoke filled back rooms, as Makow implies. Most Jews are born knowing how to do it, and each takes up the eternal Jewish task where he finds himself, in the situation which he finds himself. They lend each other money, and hire each other, and are, even by the Near Eastern standards of nepotism, excessive in that department, but none of this is the kind of lunatic conspiracy that Makow is selling. It's in their blood. He knows that you would rather love than hate, that you want for the possibility of Jewish friends. Well, you have two, though Makow is not among them.

They are:



2)Simone Weil

Without open disavowal of Judaism itself, with associated active work to harm the archeological, theological, or political basis of Jewry, you are not dealing with a friend. You're dealing with a Christkiller who wants to neutralize you.

Thank you for reprinting Makow's message. It allows me some certainty regarding his actual motives.

Henry Makow feels like a very sincere man to me.

Henry Makow's race is quite practiced at 'feeling' friendly to outsiders. They are also very funny and good conversationalists. However, the standing record for nations who have taken them on as actual friends is utter destruction. Think, don't feel in these matters. The consequences are too high.

Where are we if we can never see sincerity or good in another, no matter what, always on account of race?

In a safe, prosperous, orderly civilization which supports the development of human excellence and the creation of a Wisdom Culture.

IOW, where we should have been a century ago.



06-29-2006, 03:03 AM

Originally Posted by Emperor_Palpatine
And to take an example of a time where( I've grudingly excepted) jews dominated a certain system. Why did some jews help Stalin virtually eliminate all the other jews from the communist party and how did he succeed?

You really should take a more careful look at MacDonald's COC, Weikel. Even Stalin himself didn't undertake those purges without extensive collaboration, hand-holding, and the permission of New York Jews, who throuh co-ordinated boycotts and press control, not only could have crippled the SU, but also turned the Americans against it.

Patton, in his letters and diaries, comes to the same conclusion. Just as he was pressing the case to bring the war to Moscow, the press turned on him, rather viciously.

I'll reprint some of that, which is online, but as for the CoC chapter on Communism, you have to read it in toto. I don't have a OCR scanner and am not about to type it in. Stalin undertook the 'anti-semitic' purges with the express knowledge and permission of the NY Jewish faction.

Q: Why should Stalin, if he is an anti-Semite, and if Jews don't have disproportiationate influence in American affairs, come grovelling before NYC financiers and Jewish leaders about his own actions in his own country?

Think about it.

And you ask what became of the Birchers, has ever an anti semitic movement had success in a mostly protestant area such as the US( Hitler is not an example since his popular support prior to his coming to power came from Bavaria and the Rhineland).

The Birchers were not anti-Semitic. They talked about the Communist Conspiracy and occasionally, kooky stuff like the Illuminati and the Masons, but never mentioned the Jews.

Oliver explains the political neutralization of the Birchers, and his early withdrawl from the project for this very reason.

Did you see the posts I made recently about the Jewish buyout of the Sierra Club? You should do a search on that.

WM what in your personal experience has convinced you of all this,

I've never had a negative personal experience with a Jew.

what is your scientific evidence for this "jewish hive mind theory"?

Well, I take back the 'no personal experience' thing. Jews in their thirties are virtually incapable of thinking of anything else but Jewry. Their capacity for obsessing over Jews, Jewry, and "Jewishness" overrides every other concern in their life. This, I have seen personally. A good recent example is the thirty year radial feminist Phyllis Chesler. She turned on 'feminism' - in a day - and now appears on the 700 Club to cheerlead for Israel! Feminism, in her opinion, is anti-semitic, i.e. insufficiently pro-Israel. Can you imagine a German-American thinking in these terms.

Taking the analogy farther, can you imagine the hundreds of thousands of German Americans who fought in WWII as Jews attacking Israel on account of its treatment of internal minorities? No, you can't. A Jew is a Jew is Jew. Or, as Jews say, once a Jew, always a Jew.

There's an intelligent poster I know from the days of O.D., who presents as a racialist - Polichinello. He's on SE now, but also posts on Chronicles and Auster's site.

Despite all his blather about conservatives and 'race' and the Blacks, once he's got his audience fooled into thinking he's not a 'hostile', he starts talking about the advantages of the Red States breaking off and joining Mexico - or the benefits of increasing Mexican immigration. I doubt he's even aware of what he's doing -but he's been doing it for years, even on Libery Forum.

He's simply strategizing for his colony organism against the host in the place he finds himself - no smoke filled room needed. He was born with all the equipment he needs.

It is as natural to him to do this as it is to me and other Whites to treat others as individuals and not members of a group.

So I guess I do have some real-world experience, after all.

Anyway, you need to buy and read a copy of "Culture of Critique". If you'll give me a mailing address, I'll even send you one free of charge, but you have to promise to read it.



Old 07-01-2006, 11:37 PM

Ahknaton i understood that evola is only attacking a specific paganism, not paganism as a whole.

This is a fascinating and excellent article, and as an Hellene (which, technically, is "neopaganism") I can from personal experience say that Evola's diagnosis is right on the money.

I can't give exact percentages, but the numbers of modern neopagans who have nothing to do with the beliefs or practices of the Ancients whatsoever, but have arrogated to themselves the name 'pagan' are quite high. They are very eager to make themselves over into whatever they imagine Christianity's "opposite" might be, and as Evola points out, Christians created a fanstasy paganism over the centuries, a bogeyman. All of the lies that Evola lists: that paganism is about sexual libertinage, or has no trancendent element, or any moral code, or is the "worship of Nature" are now, somewhere, somebody's new dogma.

I am very proud to say that Hellenes and Asatru vocally broke with and denounced the attempt by Wiccans and related groups to relabel the neo-pagan movements "Earth based religions". So there is an awareness in modern pagan groups of the two paths Evola describes: one genuinely trancendent, initiatory, and concerned with virtue, the other telluric, lunar, libertine, and non-transcendent (even anti-transcendent in some especially apalling cases).

A good rule of thumb: a group that calls itself neopagan is probably toiling under the illusions that Evola describes. They are the final victims of Christianity and Judaism, people whose birthright has been stolen from them by Christian lies. They believe they are fleeing Christianity, when they are simply fleeing from one set of Christian lies to another. Their situation is truly tragic.

Groups that do not suffer from this illusion, and do not seek to avoid either trancendence or the practice of virtue, generally deem themselves (currently) as Reconstructionists. They are generally more serious minded, on the whole.

I will address the 'viability' of these Reconstructionsist groups in a later post, but would add that the bane of 'neopaganism' is in fact a natural sequela of centuries of Christian lying, which has had pernicious effects on our Culture. Neopaganism is simply a group of spiritual lost souls who have moved from the belief in the Church's collection of Big Lies to belief in a collection of the Church's littler lies. That they have at any time left an ideological field of mendacious concoctions of the Galileans is simply untrue.

As I have said elsewhere, Christ destroys the conscience first, and devours the intellect at his leisure.



07-03-2006, 02:26 PM

Paganism is not going to come back in glory, your bookish, artificial little club-movements nonwithstanding.

This is very likely, Petr. The bloodthirsty mania your religion has caused in Europeans has reduced their numbers, culled their most intelligent and best, and has at all times acted to preserve the Jews, with which it is now co-operating. You have secured our doom and now wish only not to be called out.

I'm not a pagan because I think it's going to magically undo all the fatal wounds you've inflicted on European Man. I'm a pagan because I intend to face my fate with open eyes and not with a mind polluted by filthy, anti-Western, pro-Jewish crap which is all that Christianity ever was except when it was lying about itself.

Many excerpts were given from the both books of the Bible to this end, which neither your or jcs will grapple with honestly. You go to your deaths as betrayers and slaves.

However, I will see what I can do, between now and my death, to name the disease and its collaborators as effectively as I can.

I would say I'm doing a fair job on this thread.

In fact, I'm declaring it Miller Time. I'm off to lunch.




Old 07-03-2006, 04:35 PM

This is like the abc of white nationalism. Sincere leaders look for the right key to unlock this activism. No one has found it yet. It may not exist. But I don't blame men like Rockwell for trying.

This is true. It behooves us to use the "let a thousand flowers bloom" strategy since we have no idea whatsoever which one will work. Or, worse, which combination of approaches will work. This is why I was pretty cool about the Taylor Memorandum, which was initially, pretty shocking. He's playing one strategy, and we another, and so on.

Given that Thomas' observations of Rockwell are pretty accurate, I still side with Bardamu's evaluation. In science, failed experiments yeild the most valuable data; they are the ones that tell us: don't go down this road.

Rockwell performed two services; in an age of universal degeneracy, he saved a worldview that would evetually resurface with the rise of the Internet. As silly or wrongheaded his approach was, he preserved a great deal of valuable data - much of it, if I am not mistaken, used by William Pierce to construct his very valuable and interesting essays - as well as showing kindness to, and curating the works of, Savitri Dev, until such time as she could reach a larger audience. Surely that is an achievement of some magnitude.

In other words, sometimes the people who preserve knowledge in a Dark Age are pretty disreputable characters. Think of all the lice-ridden buggerers in monasteries who unwittingly preserved the Greco-Roman inheritance.

Finally, Rockwell, along with Duke, is the ultimate argument that "dress up" does not play in Peoria. While I may not completely support Taylor's version of suit 'n tie dress up either (I'm a Casual Friday Racialist), Rockwell's failed experiment affords us an understanding that no amount of what VNN once called "Race Trekkies" could be tolerated. Like the Med-Nord thing, never in public.

And if in private, no pictures!



07-14-2006, 12:12 AM

I don't think Duke is doing any great service by telling a bunch of Arabs who live next door to the NWO's murder machine: "hey, the transnational Jewish power cartel is undermining your liberty"

No, but he renders an invaluable service by doing the same for the Ukraine and Russia.

I agree that he is politically radioactive in America. I turned down a choice blog position once because it would link my name to his.

You're also wrong about his political fortunes in Louisiana - as I recall, he nearly won, and that in the midst of a national media character assassination campaign against him, like the ones employed against Haider, Le Pen, and Berlusconi.

Finally, even is his books are something of a disappointment, I can assure you that some of his speeches I have read are profoundly insightful.

If there hadn't been pictures of him in the Klan robes and in the Nazi outfit, he'd be governer today, no question. His whole career literally was destroyed by those photos.

