Sunday, May 10, 2009

07-20-2006, 05:46 PM

What is your solution to the JQ? If I recall correctly, it was shipping the Jews off to Madagascar and surrounding them by a naval blockade.

You do not recall correctly, at least as far as this thread is concerned.

However, I will remember to use smileys more often with you, if my daydreams are to be taken prima facie as policy recommendations.

Consulting this very thread, again, we find my actual propostion:

Would the assimilationists here attempt to interfere with the determined attempt by a group of Whites to create a climate of opinion in the West so hostile to Jews that they would have to leave of their own choice: Bolshevik Holocaust Museums, Passion Plays, Documentaries about Jewish political power, or mohels, or the Kosher tax, or a ten part PBS series based on the works of Israel Shahak or attacking the Exterminationsit theories of Jewish internment, etc.?

An unrelenting, centuries long, propaganda effort that would probably, among other things, result in physical attacks on Jewish persons and properties by the unbalanced?

In my opinion, either this will happen (combined with a good incentive structure for leaving) or our Civilization will perish. And that's the happy outcome. As I outline above, rule by an alien elite whose sole interest is in a downbred and deculturized proletariat is a far more likely fate than simple (and preferable) destruction.

Please read my posts more carefully, Fade. You have verged on deliberate misrepresentation twice on this very thread, which is quite unlike you.

Your question also strikes me as more than just a little disingenuous, since it is the same answer I gave you at the Civic Forum. Surely your memory can't be this bad?

Create a climate of opinion that does for them what the climate of opinion does for us: causes self-hatred, limits reproduction, encourages emigration, inspires fear of openly speaking in one’s own ethnic interests for fear of physical reprisal or job loss, etc. Continually feed this climate over decades, until the very sanity of the target group is shaken. This is one advantage we have in comparison to the Jews: much lower levels of neuroticism. They’ll break psychologically very quickly. Look at Michael Weiner. For him, the “Holocaust” is on its way already! And all of this because a few people on the internet have noticed that PNAC and the Iraq war were basically a Jew thing. Ditto Iran. I would say two decades of a “Critique of Jewish Culture” would have them begging for terms.
This process should be brought to a feverish summit where repatriation or sterilization are offered as alternatives for Jews, Muslims, etc.

I trust you are now clear on what I believe to be the best way to proceed: thoroughgoing and permanent demonization, but with fact and not intimation. Kevin MacDonald has cleared the way. What remains, as I have said to you before, is to expand the circle of sanity one by one.

