Sunday, May 10, 2009

07-18-2006, 02:32 AM

So, the question is: does assimilation result in more or fewer members of the cognitive elite who are sympathetic to Jewish interests and concerns, even though such interests and concerns might be inimical to the long-term interests of the host society?

This isn't even a question. Even gentiles who are married to Jews will go to any lengths to advance Jewish goals; half-Jews are the greatest danger to White Civilization imaginable. I'd sooner risk an all out nuclear attack.

Half Jews act just like real Jews, but can temper their native paranoia and neuroticism to act like 'conservative': but the open and honest discussion of the Jewish question, they act always and everywhere to prevent.

Polichinello did this at OD all the time. He's been doing it at Liberty Forum for years now.

When he's alone at Lawrence Auster's site, or sometimes at Speakeasy, when he is satisfied that his audience is receptive, he starts talking about 'social conservatism' and having the Red States 'mix' with Mexicans or opening the borders.

Even the best minds sympathetic to our side will vociferously defend him - I'm thinking of Steamship Time.

I am beginning to suspect that Whites are biologically non-viable.

Peter Hitchens, a halfie, wrote a whole book about the decline of Britian; the Jewish Question is nowhere mentioned (as if it could be published).

Half-Jews are a thousand times as dangerous as full Jews; they look and sound more like us, but never give up on their defense of Jewish ethnic interests.

Peter's half brother, Chris, is even more bizarre. The Irish blood and the Jewish blood in his body are obviously battling in his body for dominance; it's like a vampire movie. He clearly didn't get his 'drinkie' genes from his Jewish parent, nor do I think his hysterical and vociferous worship of Trotsky and Lenin comes from his Irish parent.

The list could be extended indefinately. Since the elite of even a large nation like the U.S. could be easily all be incorporated into a family structure (if not by mixed genetics or marriage, at least by first degree relation), which would also tend to prevent any advocacy of White ethnic interests.

Look at Scott McConnel at TAC: married East Asian, is at pains to argue against or belittle the ethnic angle for American Whites. White group affiliation threatens his precious little entries into the gene pool.

As to Fade's question: why do Europeans allow Jews in their societies, there's a simple answer: Christianity.

