Ahknaton i understood that evola is only attacking a specific paganism, not paganism as a whole. |
This is a fascinating and excellent article, and as an Hellene (which, technically, is "neopaganism") I can from personal experience say that Evola's diagnosis is right on the money.
I can't give exact percentages, but the numbers of modern neopagans who have nothing to do with the beliefs or practices of the Ancients whatsoever, but have arrogated to themselves the name 'pagan' are quite high. They are very eager to make themselves over into whatever they imagine Christianity's "opposite" might be, and as Evola points out, Christians created a fanstasy paganism over the centuries, a bogeyman. All of the lies that Evola lists: that paganism is about sexual libertinage, or has no trancendent element, or any moral code, or is the "worship of Nature" are now, somewhere, somebody's new dogma.
I am very proud to say that Hellenes and Asatru vocally broke with and denounced the attempt by Wiccans and related groups to relabel the neo-pagan movements "Earth based religions". So there is an awareness in modern pagan groups of the two paths Evola describes: one genuinely trancendent, initiatory, and concerned with virtue, the other telluric, lunar, libertine, and non-transcendent (even anti-transcendent in some especially apalling cases).
A good rule of thumb: a group that calls itself neopagan is probably toiling under the illusions that Evola describes. They are the final victims of Christianity and Judaism, people whose birthright has been stolen from them by Christian lies. They believe they are fleeing Christianity, when they are simply fleeing from one set of Christian lies to another. Their situation is truly tragic.
Groups that do not suffer from this illusion, and do not seek to avoid either trancendence or the practice of virtue, generally deem themselves (currently) as Reconstructionists. They are generally more serious minded, on the whole.
I will address the 'viability' of these Reconstructionsist groups in a later post, but would add that the bane of 'neopaganism' is in fact a natural sequela of centuries of Christian lying, which has had pernicious effects on our Culture. Neopaganism is simply a group of spiritual lost souls who have moved from the belief in the Church's collection of Big Lies to belief in a collection of the Church's littler lies. That they have at any time left an ideological field of mendacious concoctions of the Galileans is simply untrue.
As I have said elsewhere, Christ destroys the conscience first, and devours the intellect at his leisure.