Sunday, May 10, 2009

07-23-2006, 08:48 AM

The Serpent Seed doctrine on the Illumanit and of Biblical grounds believe Paul the Apostle was send into the Church to spread false witness, that Eve had children with Satan, ie Cain etc.

People laugh at this stuff, myself included. But why is it funnier to think that Paul the Apostle was sent into the Church to spread false witness, than it is to think he was sent into Church to tell things that Jesus, the Son of God, had forgotten to mention in his time on Earth?

"God sent me to mention a few things He forgot, including . . . "

Why is it funnier to believe that Eve had sex with Satan than it is to believe that she had sex with Adam? To paraphrase John Cleese, naked women in gardens talking with snakes is no foundation for a sound system of speciation.

But seriously: that one does not laugh at the first system of stories indicates the degree to which they have been normalized, even though they are false.

There are many things already in your mind that are also normalized but false. They go unnoticed in the day to day course of events, going about their business.

You should take a look at them one day - know thyself.

Mind you the use of "reptilian" isn't a metaphor but an actual belief

I think it is a defense mechanism. I think the whole "Black Brotherhood" and "Illuminati" hoo-hah would collapse the minute these poor people (who have been driven round the bend by contemplation of the architecture of political power) found it within themselves to say "Oh. Well, all that stuff was just a huge reaction formation. Now that I can say the word 'Jew' out loud, the need for these entities would fall away, like planetary epicycles in the face of the Copernican system.

People who disagree with me can feel free to explain why B'nai Brith acts to keep David Icke out of Canada, on account of his 'anti-Semitism'. I will never forget an interview I read with the B'nai Brith on this subject. The woman said "He's talking about reptiles!"

How is that antisemitism, asked the journalist.

"He's talking about alien, shape changing reptiles," she replied in a conspiratorial whisper. "Who else do you think he's talking about? How could he be any plainer?"

Jews are notorious for their delusions of reference, and I think this Canadian ADL official was both delusional and right, just like her counterparts, who think that lizards run the world.

It's also important to note: the ADL has been very successful in its campaign against David Icke.

The saddest man I know (my own judgement, he is reasonably happy in his private life), has figured out all the anomolies in the presentation of the news and worked backwards logically to their source (the J word). After he explained this to me (it was primarily regarding the Iraq war) about the faked weapons data[*] and Israel's strategic intent, he concluded - again correctly - that this was a war for Israel.

I was impressed by the man's mind. He was intelligent, did not introduce unneccessary elements into his speculations, did good research, and otherwise showed the proper concern for both logic, consistency, and his own civic duty.

But he had done - nothing.

Why, I asked him?

Well, the Jews are the Chosen People of God, and we cannot go against them, he said.

Then he quoted "I will bless those that bless thee, and curse those who curse thee", a phrase that along with "salvation of the Jews", makes Christianity a far more slavish religion than even Nietzsche would allow. He thought Christianity the introduction of 'slave morality' to the Gentile world, which it was. But it is also a slave religion in the actual bondage of minds and souls to Jews and Judaism. I knew the moment he said it, that, no matter how much he knew or had figured out, he wouldn't say anything or act to stop what was happening.

Thus he had become, against his own will, a traitor to his Country, his Race, and his Civilization.

For this, I blame the Jews and Christianity. Jewish 'media control' consists halfway of wetware assets - having their software on your mainframe.

The stuff they show you on television is just more gold for the lily.


[*]The faked weapons data is something even Fade isn't going to be able to cite his way out of. Judith Miller - Michael Ledeen - Douglas Feith (constantly identified in the press as a 'Canadian') - the Office of Special Plans - Abram Shulsky. The creation and promotion of the false data which drove history was entirely concocted and promoted by Jews. And, contra the new gospel according to the BNP and AmRen, this is not a neocon thing. (the strategy of saying the word 'neocon' is to a)avoid naming the Jews and b)further exculpate Jews because they pay gentile frontmen - Bill "Slots" Bennet, among others - to stand out front when the picture is taken, i.e. Neocons are not all Jewish, which is a functional lie. Bill Bennet and Jeane Kirkpatrick sign documents written for them, but do nothing to formulate policy, except instinctively give the proper soundbites which will allow for continued access to grants, speaking fees, and other forms of status and/ or wealth. They're more like lab rats pressing a bar to recieve 'reward pellets' than people, now.

I say it is not a 'neocon' thing because the whole system would have folded like a deck of cards if the New York Times (read: the Sulzberger family) didn't give front page above the fold priority to Miller's false WMD stories when they were useful, essentially controlling the news cycle for weeks on end, and then following through by not giving similar attention and/or outrage when the data proved to be false, was, if anything, more important to getting the war started, and keeping it going, than the data itself.

And, it should go without saying, that the New York Times is not a neocon paper, nor is Judith Miller a neocon. The New York faction of Jewry is often embarrassed by, and sometimes punishes, Zionists, with whom they share a precarious fate. For their own part, Israelis don't think much of New York Jews, because they often complicate rather than assist, in Zionist plans. Both parties, of course, are adept players at the plausible deniability game and know to cover for each other, even if they hate doing so.
