It is entirely possible to be perfectly aware of the JQ, yet simultaneously a clueless idiot unable to build an effective resistance |
This says nothing except Whites are subject to the Bell Curve, too.
Also, a certain amount of fellow-feeling is called for: our cartoon Nazis are a result of a fatherless wasteland of public schooling (re-education) and Television, among other distractions: consequence free sex, drugs, the collapse of civil society and religion, etc.
Also, and most shamefully, this is the class that has been forced, more than any other, to bear the brunt of our vast social experiments in race relations, etc. In other words, they have to live with most degraded and animalistic blacks imaginable. They have almost literally been thrown to the wolves by the middle and upper classes.
If they were to slit our throats as we slept, I could hardly blame them.
Our failure, and not theirs, has led to this disaster. Our unthinking treatment of what are, after all, our kinsmen, is unconscionable.
I deplore but completely understand what's going through their heads. Even if they are an albatross around our necks, they are certainly one we deserve.