Originally Posted by Emperor_Palpatine
And to take an example of a time where( I've grudingly excepted) jews dominated a certain system. Why did some jews help Stalin virtually eliminate all the other jews from the communist party and how did he succeed?
You really should take a more careful look at MacDonald's COC, Weikel. Even Stalin himself didn't undertake those purges without extensive collaboration, hand-holding, and the permission of New York Jews, who throuh co-ordinated boycotts and press control, not only could have crippled the SU, but also turned the Americans against it.
Patton, in his letters and diaries, comes to the same conclusion. Just as he was pressing the case to bring the war to Moscow, the press turned on him, rather viciously.
I'll reprint some of that, which is online, but as for the CoC chapter on Communism, you have to read it in toto. I don't have a OCR scanner and am not about to type it in. Stalin undertook the 'anti-semitic' purges with the express knowledge and permission of the NY Jewish faction.
Q: Why should Stalin, if he is an anti-Semite, and if Jews don't have disproportiationate influence in American affairs, come grovelling before NYC financiers and Jewish leaders about his own actions in his own country?
Think about it.
And you ask what became of the Birchers, has ever an anti semitic movement had success in a mostly protestant area such as the US( Hitler is not an example since his popular support prior to his coming to power came from Bavaria and the Rhineland). |
The Birchers were not anti-Semitic. They talked about the Communist Conspiracy and occasionally, kooky stuff like the Illuminati and the Masons, but never mentioned the Jews.
Oliver explains the political neutralization of the Birchers, and his early withdrawl from the project for this very reason.
Did you see the posts I made recently about the Jewish buyout of the Sierra Club? You should do a search on that.
WM what in your personal experience has convinced you of all this, |
I've never had a negative personal experience with a Jew.
what is your scientific evidence for this "jewish hive mind theory"? |
Well, I take back the 'no personal experience' thing. Jews in their thirties are virtually incapable of thinking of anything else but Jewry. Their capacity for obsessing over Jews, Jewry, and "Jewishness" overrides every other concern in their life. This, I have seen personally. A good recent example is the thirty year radial feminist Phyllis Chesler. She turned on 'feminism' - in a day - and now appears on the 700 Club to cheerlead for Israel! Feminism, in her opinion, is anti-semitic, i.e. insufficiently pro-Israel. Can you imagine a German-American thinking in these terms.
Taking the analogy farther, can you imagine the hundreds of thousands of German Americans who fought in WWII as Jews attacking Israel on account of its treatment of internal minorities? No, you can't. A Jew is a Jew is Jew. Or, as Jews say, once a Jew, always a Jew.
There's an intelligent poster I know from the days of O.D., who presents as a racialist - Polichinello. He's on SE now, but also posts on Chronicles and Auster's site.
Despite all his blather about conservatives and 'race' and the Blacks, once he's got his audience fooled into thinking he's not a 'hostile', he starts talking about the advantages of the Red States breaking off and joining Mexico - or the benefits of increasing Mexican immigration. I doubt he's even aware of what he's doing -but he's been doing it for years, even on Libery Forum.
He's simply strategizing for his colony organism against the host in the place he finds himself - no smoke filled room needed. He was born with all the equipment he needs.
It is as natural to him to do this as it is to me and other Whites to treat others as individuals and not members of a group.
So I guess I do have some real-world experience, after all.
Anyway, you need to buy and read a copy of "Culture of Critique". If you'll give me a mailing address, I'll even send you one free of charge, but you have to promise to read it.