Originally Posted by Petr
I myself, a Christian, feel that Jews have no magical powers. They are more or less just like any other ethnicity, and can lose their identity and disappear through intermarriage and loss of cultural memory.
Well, Petr, here's another (and better) Christian on the same question:
"Marriages began to take place, wholesale, between what had once been the aristocratic territorial families of this country and the Jewish commercial fortunes. After two generations of this, with the opening of the twentieth century those of the great territorial English families in which there was no Jewish blood were the exception. In nearly all of them was the strain more or less marked, in some of them so strong that though the name was still an English name and the traditions those of purely English lineage of the long past, the physique and character had become wholly Jewish and the members of the family were taken for Jews whenever they travelled in countries where the gentry had not suffered or enjoyed this admixture." |
That's from The Jews, by Hillaire Belloc. You might be familiar with it.
He wrote those lines in 1922, looking back over a century of implementation of your, and Fade's, and JJT's endlosung.
Tell me, Petr, how fares England?
Have Jews 'lost their identity' or 'dispersed' or even, as you suggest 'dissappeared' via this vigorous regimen of frequent intermarriage?
Or, is it the British people who are disappearing? I hear you can walk around London these days for hours without seeing a White Face.
The topic of intermixed elites is a very simple one: given that you, JJT, and Fade are not unfamiliar with ethnic strife in history, why you should assume that Jews marrying our elites would treat us in some different way than the Latin American overclass treats their people, is simply unfathomable to me.
Moreover, as we have seen, Judaism among Latin American elites has persisted, even in hiding, for four hundred years. All that had to happen was for these people to be told they were Jews, and they immediately went about what Jesus euphemistically referred to as 'their Father's business.'
I presume you know that Theodor Hertzl was an ardent German nationalist, until he found out he was Jewish.
There is also the case of Madelaine Albright and Wesley Clark. You'll recall the assistance that Serbia rendered the Jews during WWII, and the comeuppance they recieved for their trouble at the hands of Mr. Albright and Mr. Clark.
Clark is a perfect example of the 'assimilated' Jew - looks Gentile, is in the armed forces, etc.
But, like the others, he is 'about his Father's business':
Jewish-American General and recent Presidential candidate Wesley Clark also believes in the "nation as idea" concept -- with a vengeance. He told CNN, as his forces savagely bombed Serbian civilians in 1999, "Let's not forget what the origin of the problem is. There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states. That's a 19th century idea and we are trying to transition into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states."
Can you imagine what a United States wholly ruled by human-Jewish hybrids would behave? I certainly can. Think of Al Gore - pretty much under the thumb of New Republic editor Marty Peretz. His daughter is now married to the grandson of Jacob Schiff, the man who transported Lev Bronstein (Trotsky) and 20 million dollars worth of gold to Russia, to effect revolution. Schiff has also financed the Japanese in their war with Russia, with the explicit intent of destabilizing the Czar - and it worked.
At any rate, Al Gore is now "all in the family" with these guys. And you, Fade, and JJT think that creating a paranoid and megalomanical overclass will result in a relaxation of tensions of what Nietzche called "Rome vs. Judea"?
Tell it to Londoners. Tell it to all the Whites who are being dispossed from their own nations by faceless 'elites'. From the standpoint of a Jew-human hybrid, what else is a unified ethnic group that they rule other than the source of future holocausts?
That is the only thing, besides dollar signs, Jews see when they look at non-Jews. The sole result of an alien overclass ruling a group they are not related to is firstly, fear, and secondly, exploitation. Mexico is a paradigmatic example here, though Britian and the United States are not far behind. Your 'final solution' is living death for any Whites left alive in the face of such a disaster, who will be used solely for sexual slavery, warfare, and downbreeding with Blacks and Mexicans to effect their cultural erasure. This last process, in case you hadn't noticed, is well underway.
And all you can think to do is accelerate it!
Petr, Fade: why not get the problem over with by moving to London now? I see no reason why you shouldn't be enjoying your solution to the Jewish Question right this very minute.
Keep your Qu'rans handy, of course. I wouldn't want for either of the two of you to suffer death or bodily harm just because your understanding of the Jewish Problem is so wide of the mark that it has led you to propose what is essentially perpetual enslavement for our race.