Sunday, May 10, 2009

06-26-2006, 05:03 PM

There actually has been a lot of coverage about this. Take Robert Samuelson in the Washington Post. Bush's plan has gotten bad reviews in the New York Times as well. There is a "debate" on the immigration issue because the ruling class is split on it and because it is such a lemon with the bases of both major political parties.

This is true. I would add to the list of opportunistic infestations, the Bush family itself, which has dynastic pretensions. I will say that the ruling class seems quite committed to a)doubling legal immigration b)an amnesty c)AFTA and the ultimate confederation of Mexico, Canada, and the United States under the benevolent gaze of NGOs.

I have no question that they will fail, I only wish to a)take advantage of the situation to spread the word and b)minimize casualties. The last major Jewish push for globalization under Communism, under which I include a reactionary German response, did kill 100 million people and may have fatally comprimised our civilization.

I fear the next war the Jews are at the center of, which we may already be hip-deep in the Near East, may escalate to larger proportions. Which is to say, larger proportions than the Second World War.

I say this so that readers will understand my constant and vehement insistence on the permanent and total separation of Jews from every other population on Earth.

Wagner: "I consider the Jewish race the born enemy of pure humanity and all that is noble in man; there is no doubt that we Germans especially will be destroyed by them."

Voltaire: ""They are all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and The Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race."

That might very well be case, but I haven't seen much evidence of it.

My point was both that we have evidence that one major lobby - which was heretofore a major anti-immigration player - was taken out of the game by one Jew, and also that the climate of opinion in which the other opportunistic infections thrive is created by Jewish intervention. My messy analogy again: the patient really didn't die of feline leukemia, but of a comprimised immune system, destroyed by HIV. We are discussing proximate and distal causes.

It seems reasonable to me that business groups, like the Catholic Church, are doing this for their own reasons. That's the most parsimonious explanation. They don't care about the white race. They don't even identify with their own country anymore.

I have no doubt that businesses are doing it for their own reasons - they must now compete with other businesses which have limitless supplies of cheap labor. You almost can't not do it. Still - the U.S. Chamber of Commerce was not powerful enough to stop Operation Wetback. Why has happened between now and then to make this explosion in pro-immigration sentiment possible?

And for each answer to that question: the sixties, the Second World War, etc. - ask yourself, and what would these periods have been like with no Jewish input into American cultural or political life at all?

How far would the Civil Rights Movement have got, for example? However, I think you take my point. Proximate causes operate in a field established by distal causes. Yes, the Titanic is sinking because there is a tear in its hull beneath the waterline. With that in mind, why is there a tear in its hull beneath the waterline?

All this said, the discussion of the behavior of the Catholic Church is a complicated matter in its own right, and if we wish to go into that, it should become a separate thread. I obviously think that Catholic behavior in non-Catholic nations may require their sequestration and repatriation to Catholic nations, following a White self-recovery. Catholics are obviously politically untrustworthy, and I would say that they act like Jews, but lack the racial instincts for long-term crypsis and the almost supernatural levels of dissumulation of which even the meanest Jew seems born capable of.

One will note, however, that there are only two words in English that really express a Talmudic level of dissimulation: casusitry and Jesuitry. Both are from the Catholic tradition, both are synonyms for cunning and high-handed lies based on word-splitting and other forms of rhetoric.



06-28-2006, 11:26 PM

Where are we if we can never see sincerity or good in another, no matter what, always on account of race?

Don't listen to him, Julian. It's not a 'conspiracy' at all - especially not an 'Illuminati' one.

Just as Noam Chomsky strategizes to neutralize leftist anti-semitism by making it seem that Israel is a client state of the U.S. and "neo"-conservatives fund and theorize and promote only those 'conservatisms' which lead to bigger government, and military action abroad in favor of Israel.

Makow works the crowd that has its eyes on the NWO. He concedes to small Jewish crimes to direct what would otherwise be a beneficial anti-Judaism which could free us, to a fictional and illusory entity, the Illuminati.

He identifies you as a potentially important part of the resistance, Julian. Hence his mash note. He plays on your better instincts like a harp.

It's not a 'conspiracy' at all - its a religion and an evolutionary strategy. I think - and this may sound harsh, Julian -but it's time for you to reread the Old Testament as an adult, and with your filters off. It's a handbook of war against all non-Jewish races and groups, with the stated intent of the enslavement of the world.

If you don't have time to reread the O.T. this week, start here:

But don't spare yourself the O.T., either. It's time you exposed yourself to the full horror of what we're up against.

Just as 'neoliberals' like Peter Beinart, Marty Peretz, Franklin Foer, and Noam Chomsky redirect the funds, thinking and activity of gentile liberals in directions that are harmful to their own interests while keeping 'Jewish' activities off the map, and 'neoconservatives' redirect the funds, thinking and activity of conservatives into disastrous directions, Makow is pioneering what I'll call 'crypsis for kooks': sure there are some Jews in on it? but aren't there gentiles as well? Shouldnt' we all rather be fighting the Illuminati.

As a final note, I will simply observe that Makow believes in the Illuminati, though there is not one one thousandth the evidence for its existence, let alone wrongdoing, as there is for the Jewish group in books such as 'Culture of Critique' and 'When Victims Rule', both of which you should read, by the way. Where is evidence of the Illuminati?

No, I submit that Makow is simply another tentacle of Jewry, more dangerous in ways, than neoliberals or neoconservatives. He's an archon or threshold guardian offering you an out, saying, look here, all these terrible things you've discovered are true. You can speak out about any of them save Jewry.

The Birchers fell for this ruse a half centry ago. Someone with deep pockets showed up and said, we'll give you all this money to talk about the Communist conspiracy, but you must never mention the Jews, and disassociate yourself from those who do.

Ask youself: what became of the Birchers?

Now ask yourself again: what will become of you and the people you lead when you accept Makow's comforting proposition that it's the "Illuminati" and that people who discovered, and wish to act against, Jewry's role in the destruction of our spiritual, cultural and racial heritage are wrong? In other words, once his silky words slither into your ears, given your intelligence and dedication, how many Whites will you lead into open riducule and helplessness, a la the Birchers.

Until you posted Makow's parseltongue above, I didn't recognize him for what he is. No, he is not your friend, quite the opposite. But he has identified your importance, that much is sure. And he knows that it's more comfortable for you to believe you have Jewish friends who dont' wish to destroy you and your race than to believe that the whole rotten colony organism is parastism on a world historical scale, with a supernatural gift for dissimulation.

Nor does it require conspiracy. You, Julian, understand quite well about Race Memory. If you read MacDonald's 'Culture of Critique', you'll read dozens of instances where Jews fool themselves about what they really beleive, the better to fool their host cultures. This is not premeditated (except perhaps by the authors of the Bible) nor does it require smoke filled back rooms, as Makow implies. Most Jews are born knowing how to do it, and each takes up the eternal Jewish task where he finds himself, in the situation which he finds himself. They lend each other money, and hire each other, and are, even by the Near Eastern standards of nepotism, excessive in that department, but none of this is the kind of lunatic conspiracy that Makow is selling. It's in their blood. He knows that you would rather love than hate, that you want for the possibility of Jewish friends. Well, you have two, though Makow is not among them.

They are:



2)Simone Weil

Without open disavowal of Judaism itself, with associated active work to harm the archeological, theological, or political basis of Jewry, you are not dealing with a friend. You're dealing with a Christkiller who wants to neutralize you.

Thank you for reprinting Makow's message. It allows me some certainty regarding his actual motives.

Henry Makow feels like a very sincere man to me.

Henry Makow's race is quite practiced at 'feeling' friendly to outsiders. They are also very funny and good conversationalists. However, the standing record for nations who have taken them on as actual friends is utter destruction. Think, don't feel in these matters. The consequences are too high.

Where are we if we can never see sincerity or good in another, no matter what, always on account of race?

In a safe, prosperous, orderly civilization which supports the development of human excellence and the creation of a Wisdom Culture.

IOW, where we should have been a century ago.



06-29-2006, 03:03 AM

Originally Posted by Emperor_Palpatine
And to take an example of a time where( I've grudingly excepted) jews dominated a certain system. Why did some jews help Stalin virtually eliminate all the other jews from the communist party and how did he succeed?

You really should take a more careful look at MacDonald's COC, Weikel. Even Stalin himself didn't undertake those purges without extensive collaboration, hand-holding, and the permission of New York Jews, who throuh co-ordinated boycotts and press control, not only could have crippled the SU, but also turned the Americans against it.

Patton, in his letters and diaries, comes to the same conclusion. Just as he was pressing the case to bring the war to Moscow, the press turned on him, rather viciously.

I'll reprint some of that, which is online, but as for the CoC chapter on Communism, you have to read it in toto. I don't have a OCR scanner and am not about to type it in. Stalin undertook the 'anti-semitic' purges with the express knowledge and permission of the NY Jewish faction.

Q: Why should Stalin, if he is an anti-Semite, and if Jews don't have disproportiationate influence in American affairs, come grovelling before NYC financiers and Jewish leaders about his own actions in his own country?

Think about it.

And you ask what became of the Birchers, has ever an anti semitic movement had success in a mostly protestant area such as the US( Hitler is not an example since his popular support prior to his coming to power came from Bavaria and the Rhineland).

The Birchers were not anti-Semitic. They talked about the Communist Conspiracy and occasionally, kooky stuff like the Illuminati and the Masons, but never mentioned the Jews.

Oliver explains the political neutralization of the Birchers, and his early withdrawl from the project for this very reason.

Did you see the posts I made recently about the Jewish buyout of the Sierra Club? You should do a search on that.

WM what in your personal experience has convinced you of all this,

I've never had a negative personal experience with a Jew.

what is your scientific evidence for this "jewish hive mind theory"?

Well, I take back the 'no personal experience' thing. Jews in their thirties are virtually incapable of thinking of anything else but Jewry. Their capacity for obsessing over Jews, Jewry, and "Jewishness" overrides every other concern in their life. This, I have seen personally. A good recent example is the thirty year radial feminist Phyllis Chesler. She turned on 'feminism' - in a day - and now appears on the 700 Club to cheerlead for Israel! Feminism, in her opinion, is anti-semitic, i.e. insufficiently pro-Israel. Can you imagine a German-American thinking in these terms.

Taking the analogy farther, can you imagine the hundreds of thousands of German Americans who fought in WWII as Jews attacking Israel on account of its treatment of internal minorities? No, you can't. A Jew is a Jew is Jew. Or, as Jews say, once a Jew, always a Jew.

There's an intelligent poster I know from the days of O.D., who presents as a racialist - Polichinello. He's on SE now, but also posts on Chronicles and Auster's site.

Despite all his blather about conservatives and 'race' and the Blacks, once he's got his audience fooled into thinking he's not a 'hostile', he starts talking about the advantages of the Red States breaking off and joining Mexico - or the benefits of increasing Mexican immigration. I doubt he's even aware of what he's doing -but he's been doing it for years, even on Libery Forum.

He's simply strategizing for his colony organism against the host in the place he finds himself - no smoke filled room needed. He was born with all the equipment he needs.

It is as natural to him to do this as it is to me and other Whites to treat others as individuals and not members of a group.

So I guess I do have some real-world experience, after all.

Anyway, you need to buy and read a copy of "Culture of Critique". If you'll give me a mailing address, I'll even send you one free of charge, but you have to promise to read it.



Old 07-01-2006, 11:37 PM

Ahknaton i understood that evola is only attacking a specific paganism, not paganism as a whole.

This is a fascinating and excellent article, and as an Hellene (which, technically, is "neopaganism") I can from personal experience say that Evola's diagnosis is right on the money.

I can't give exact percentages, but the numbers of modern neopagans who have nothing to do with the beliefs or practices of the Ancients whatsoever, but have arrogated to themselves the name 'pagan' are quite high. They are very eager to make themselves over into whatever they imagine Christianity's "opposite" might be, and as Evola points out, Christians created a fanstasy paganism over the centuries, a bogeyman. All of the lies that Evola lists: that paganism is about sexual libertinage, or has no trancendent element, or any moral code, or is the "worship of Nature" are now, somewhere, somebody's new dogma.

I am very proud to say that Hellenes and Asatru vocally broke with and denounced the attempt by Wiccans and related groups to relabel the neo-pagan movements "Earth based religions". So there is an awareness in modern pagan groups of the two paths Evola describes: one genuinely trancendent, initiatory, and concerned with virtue, the other telluric, lunar, libertine, and non-transcendent (even anti-transcendent in some especially apalling cases).

A good rule of thumb: a group that calls itself neopagan is probably toiling under the illusions that Evola describes. They are the final victims of Christianity and Judaism, people whose birthright has been stolen from them by Christian lies. They believe they are fleeing Christianity, when they are simply fleeing from one set of Christian lies to another. Their situation is truly tragic.

Groups that do not suffer from this illusion, and do not seek to avoid either trancendence or the practice of virtue, generally deem themselves (currently) as Reconstructionists. They are generally more serious minded, on the whole.

I will address the 'viability' of these Reconstructionsist groups in a later post, but would add that the bane of 'neopaganism' is in fact a natural sequela of centuries of Christian lying, which has had pernicious effects on our Culture. Neopaganism is simply a group of spiritual lost souls who have moved from the belief in the Church's collection of Big Lies to belief in a collection of the Church's littler lies. That they have at any time left an ideological field of mendacious concoctions of the Galileans is simply untrue.

As I have said elsewhere, Christ destroys the conscience first, and devours the intellect at his leisure.



07-03-2006, 02:26 PM

Paganism is not going to come back in glory, your bookish, artificial little club-movements nonwithstanding.

This is very likely, Petr. The bloodthirsty mania your religion has caused in Europeans has reduced their numbers, culled their most intelligent and best, and has at all times acted to preserve the Jews, with which it is now co-operating. You have secured our doom and now wish only not to be called out.

I'm not a pagan because I think it's going to magically undo all the fatal wounds you've inflicted on European Man. I'm a pagan because I intend to face my fate with open eyes and not with a mind polluted by filthy, anti-Western, pro-Jewish crap which is all that Christianity ever was except when it was lying about itself.

Many excerpts were given from the both books of the Bible to this end, which neither your or jcs will grapple with honestly. You go to your deaths as betrayers and slaves.

However, I will see what I can do, between now and my death, to name the disease and its collaborators as effectively as I can.

I would say I'm doing a fair job on this thread.

In fact, I'm declaring it Miller Time. I'm off to lunch.




Old 07-03-2006, 04:35 PM

This is like the abc of white nationalism. Sincere leaders look for the right key to unlock this activism. No one has found it yet. It may not exist. But I don't blame men like Rockwell for trying.

This is true. It behooves us to use the "let a thousand flowers bloom" strategy since we have no idea whatsoever which one will work. Or, worse, which combination of approaches will work. This is why I was pretty cool about the Taylor Memorandum, which was initially, pretty shocking. He's playing one strategy, and we another, and so on.

Given that Thomas' observations of Rockwell are pretty accurate, I still side with Bardamu's evaluation. In science, failed experiments yeild the most valuable data; they are the ones that tell us: don't go down this road.

Rockwell performed two services; in an age of universal degeneracy, he saved a worldview that would evetually resurface with the rise of the Internet. As silly or wrongheaded his approach was, he preserved a great deal of valuable data - much of it, if I am not mistaken, used by William Pierce to construct his very valuable and interesting essays - as well as showing kindness to, and curating the works of, Savitri Dev, until such time as she could reach a larger audience. Surely that is an achievement of some magnitude.

In other words, sometimes the people who preserve knowledge in a Dark Age are pretty disreputable characters. Think of all the lice-ridden buggerers in monasteries who unwittingly preserved the Greco-Roman inheritance.

Finally, Rockwell, along with Duke, is the ultimate argument that "dress up" does not play in Peoria. While I may not completely support Taylor's version of suit 'n tie dress up either (I'm a Casual Friday Racialist), Rockwell's failed experiment affords us an understanding that no amount of what VNN once called "Race Trekkies" could be tolerated. Like the Med-Nord thing, never in public.

And if in private, no pictures!



07-14-2006, 12:12 AM

I don't think Duke is doing any great service by telling a bunch of Arabs who live next door to the NWO's murder machine: "hey, the transnational Jewish power cartel is undermining your liberty"

No, but he renders an invaluable service by doing the same for the Ukraine and Russia.

I agree that he is politically radioactive in America. I turned down a choice blog position once because it would link my name to his.

You're also wrong about his political fortunes in Louisiana - as I recall, he nearly won, and that in the midst of a national media character assassination campaign against him, like the ones employed against Haider, Le Pen, and Berlusconi.

Finally, even is his books are something of a disappointment, I can assure you that some of his speeches I have read are profoundly insightful.

If there hadn't been pictures of him in the Klan robes and in the Nazi outfit, he'd be governer today, no question. His whole career literally was destroyed by those photos.



07-14-2006, 01:25 AM

I hate to be the bearer of grim news, but White people did this to themselves...through willfull ignorance and cowardice.

This is not grim news but misdiagnosis in the main part.

The charge of cowardice on the part of American Conservatives from the time of Wilson to the present day is undeniable.

However, this claim ("we brought it on ourselves") is not tenable on its face: it assumes that that Whites are some sort of 'superbeings' who, all other things being equal, will form societies impregnable to hijacking.

The truth is, the fairly well established, or at least widely observed, White tendency towards reciprocal altruism on an individual and not a group basis is plainly genetic.

This means that a White society which controls its own flow of information will generally tend towards structures of power that acknowledge certain obligations towards individual persons that are reflected in the power structures Whites tend to produce: consider the emphasis on liberty as a defining property of Greeks, and their rallying cry when facing the Persians, whom they rightly considered politically dehumanized. They didn't have the term, but they knew Oriental despotism when they saw it.

The Roman Republic and its proconsul system, the German tribes and elective Kingship, Common Law . . . these are all distinctive products of a particular kind of individual. A way we can't help but be, as it were.

However, as MacDonald has pointed out, individual strategies are always outcompeted by group strategies. Therefore a society of the type that is prototypical in Europe or the Anglosphere is very easily subverted by group strategizing, assuming the group in question is very careful to engage in crypsis: the deliberate presentation of themselves as 'not a group': what Jewish conspiracy?

What you attribute to willfull ignorance and cowardice, I submit, is mostly the result of trust and goodwill on the part of Whites. . . the exact same thing that makes their societies so reliable, transparent, effiecient, and productive in the first place.

People believe false things they are told both because they trust their higher status relations to do what is best for the nation, but also because they don't know, and can't imagine, that friendly Jews, who are just like us except for their friendly religion, are actually out to reduce our numbers by any means possible: war, racemixing, what have you. Nor can they imagine that their friendly Jewish neighbor's cousin is the story editor at the national desk of the paper, covering up the news about Amdocs, Franklin, Odigo, the Liberty, and so forth. This isn't a new pattern. If you follow the complaints of anti-Judaics throughout history, you will see that their complaints all follow a similar pattern: the same, in fact.

MacDonald also points out that Middle Eastern societies are not suceptible to the same sort of subversion, because it is a non-porous collection of clans and ethnic groups which compete consciously on that basis: therefore they cannot be undone by the reliable (in the West) Jewish practice of crypsis.

It is unfair and untrue to say we have brought this on ourselves.

That does not absolve the ruling classes of the United States, beginning with the generation that abandoned Charles Lindburgh for telling the truth, of responsibility.

But consider: what is their responsibility? NOT NAMING THE JEW WHEN THEY STILL COULD.

I am very serious about that last point. You say "we did this to ourselves". But what is it exactly, that we have done?

The followup question: are you doing this now?


P.S. We can debate Duke later.

07-14-2006, 12:38 PM

It is entirely possible to be perfectly aware of the JQ, yet simultaneously a clueless idiot unable to build an effective resistance

This says nothing except Whites are subject to the Bell Curve, too.

Also, a certain amount of fellow-feeling is called for: our cartoon Nazis are a result of a fatherless wasteland of public schooling (re-education) and Television, among other distractions: consequence free sex, drugs, the collapse of civil society and religion, etc.

Also, and most shamefully, this is the class that has been forced, more than any other, to bear the brunt of our vast social experiments in race relations, etc. In other words, they have to live with most degraded and animalistic blacks imaginable. They have almost literally been thrown to the wolves by the middle and upper classes.

If they were to slit our throats as we slept, I could hardly blame them.

Our failure, and not theirs, has led to this disaster. Our unthinking treatment of what are, after all, our kinsmen, is unconscionable.

I deplore but completely understand what's going through their heads. Even if they are an albatross around our necks, they are certainly one we deserve.


07-15-2006, 11:32 AM

Is the JQ a plus or minus for racialism? The latter. I can talk to people all day about what they really think about racial differences and the consequences of third world immigration, whether or not they truly believe in racial equality or merely give lip service to it, but the moment the JQ comes up, they are switched off like a light. Has anyone else had this experience?

A friend of mine who is canvassing Dallas would talk about the Jews for hours to polite, but blank stares, as leon degrance points out. One memorable exchange of his long, informed discussions of the Jews was met with a helpful, "are you talking about niggers?"

And to think they call Dallas the City of Hate.

However, it's equally important that he was met with blank stares - not to kind of programmed sheeple stuff we'd expect. They all listened politely, but just couldn't make the mental leap from the few Jews they knew personally to the kind of group strategy my friend was discussing.

For my part, I'd have to have another thread on my 'real life' experiences in conversation. What I've learned is you have to be very bulldoggish, and you have to have a set of about a hundred facts in your mind you can produce at will. Now, I met with the most vociferous resistance - but that's often a sign that you're very close to a 'sale'. Give the mark some time to rest, have your promotional literature, work in Bible quotes if your mark is a Christian.

You have to be willing to get all Amway on their asses.



07-15-2006, 06:33 PM

Even in Los Angeles, with as many Jews as we have, I've met quite a few Whites who were pompous, self-absorbed cretins whose life purpose was self-aggrandizement uber alles.

It's helpful if you think about it in terms of diminished immune function: by supressing natural self-preserving behavior, we are subject to death by a thousand cuts, the same way a person whose immune system doesn't work will die from freaky diseases like feline leukemia or Dutch Elm disease; things people don't die from, ordinarily.

So: I am not saying that Jews "made" your vain, pompous, greedy neighbors the way they are.

I'm saying they dismantled the social structures that reigned these guys in as recently as fifty years ago.

Your greedy gentile neighbors couldn't prevent Operation Wetback in the 50s, now could they?

But now, after a half century of the magical talisman, not only do they act with impunity, anyone who criticizes is called a 'racist'. How did that happen?

I think you're missing the mechanism here because its occluded. But then, you can't see your immune system either.

But if I dosed you with immunosuppresants and then blamed your death on whatever flu bug offed you the next week, I would still be the murderer.

Jews are the murderers, here.


07-17-2006, 12:15 PM

Not since WWII has America actually picked on anybody her own size. Well, now we have no manufacturing capability, thanks to the globalists running things. Nor do we have anything resembling a well-educated or well-trained and disciplined populace. Nor national stores of strategic commodities nor, even, food. Not like we used to and certainly nothing like many other countries. What do we have? We have lots and lots of dollars and the inflation to prove it, too. And hubris. Don't forget about the Jewish hubris that America exudes in all directions. Thankfully, this war should be over quickly.

Swift and fitting Divine punishment for our actions in World War II. Never has a crime been so well punished, IMO.

Even though I will have to leave Texas eventually on account of demographic changes, here, and even though I dearly love my home, I am overjoyed to see
Lincoln's monstrosity collapse under the weight of its own abomination, after all this time. And any man of decent blood would feel the same.

Those loyal to that flag now serve the Traditional Enemies of All Mankind. Could she see what end her work would be put, even Betsy Ross herself would have spit on and burned the flag herself.

This hasn't been America for some time. From at least the twenties, it's been - as Ezra Pound named it - Yankee Judea.

I, for one, look forward to the exposure and expulsion for our alien overlords.

yet America is the most bellicose and belligerent country in modern times.

Democracies are traditionally the most belligerent form of government. This obtains even in pre-Christian settings, and so is one thing that can't be blamed on the Bad Book.



07-18-2006, 12:10 AM

I would be especially interested in hearing wintermute describe his political orientation, as I have done, and the strategy he proposes to advance his agenda.

We are the dead. Our only true life is in the future. We shall take part in it as handfuls of dust and splinters of bone. But how far away that future may be, there is no knowing. It might be a thousand years. At present nothing is possible except to extend the area of sanity little by little. We cannot act collectively. We can only spread our knowledge outwards from individual to individual....

- George Orwell, 1984



07-18-2006, 12:58 AM

Winnie's delirious hatred of the Creator-God of Old Testament resembles much more Gnosticism than genuine paganism.

The God of the Jews was identified - by the Ancients - with Set-Typhon, a force associated with deserts, foreigners, red-headed people, storms, separation, fraternal strife, circumcision, and strife and chaos in general.

Look up "ass worship" in the Jewish Encyclopedia on line. My disapproval of the Jewish creator god is quite well within ancient norms.

It's also interesting to note, that for all their aniconism, the Jews had a statue of an asses' head in their sanctum sanctorum, reported independantly by several observers. This is of course, Set, the god of the Hyksos - the ancestors of the Jews (as pointed out by Josephus) - who had once ruled over Egypt but were expelled.

Petr, you have no idea what you worship.


07-18-2006, 01:25 AM

In fact you may remember the one text I posted at OD from a pagan perspective on this issue. I dont know, perhaps WM would be interested in reading it.

The point here is that Petr's source says:

"no real pagan is an opponent of Christ. No, a real pagan doesn't even notice Jesus, but continues his life as if He didn't even exist."

Hypatia was killed by Cyril for the large numbers of conversions she effected among Christians. Was she not a "real Pagan"?

Julian became a living symbol of pagan regeneration whose example inspired Westerners from the Renaissance to the modern day: he inveighed against Christians in his famous "Against the Galileans"? Was he not a "real Pagan"?

Celsus pointed out dozens of elementary errors in Christianity, as well as larger philosophical stumbling blocks. Was he not a "real Pagan"?

Porhyry's "Against the Christians", burned by the Church (they seem to have gotten all of them) ran to fifteen volumes. He was regarded by the Early Church as unanswerable, hence the burnings. His devastating attack on the pseduepigraphal nature of the book of Daniel and its dating is still accepted today. Was he not a "real Pagan"?

Petr is lying by using an argument he can't explain and doesn't understand.

If Julian, Hypatia, Celsus, and Porphry are not "real Pagans", who is?

Some pagans have directed attacks at Christianity, and still do today. Hell Id even argue that attacking Christianity is a mainstay of much of the pagan movement today, which is a somewhat pathetic IMHO.

It is pathetic. We're like a hospital that takes your castoffs, the people you've spiritually mutilated with your Jewish evil and Jewish nonsense, a falsehood that no man of decent blood can take into his heart without either splitting his mind or succumbing to evil.

As I have said, the bulk of the population get along by using their natural theology and ignoring the Bible when it becomes inconvenient.

At any rate, we attempt to provide healing and re-connection to the Divine for those your murder-cult has spiritually mutilated. So, yes, it is a sad, pathetic situation.

Why am I not suprised by a man who loves his Church and not God, would have no care for those so harmed by the dogmas he affirms constantly?



07-18-2006, 02:32 AM

So, the question is: does assimilation result in more or fewer members of the cognitive elite who are sympathetic to Jewish interests and concerns, even though such interests and concerns might be inimical to the long-term interests of the host society?

This isn't even a question. Even gentiles who are married to Jews will go to any lengths to advance Jewish goals; half-Jews are the greatest danger to White Civilization imaginable. I'd sooner risk an all out nuclear attack.

Half Jews act just like real Jews, but can temper their native paranoia and neuroticism to act like 'conservative': but the open and honest discussion of the Jewish question, they act always and everywhere to prevent.

Polichinello did this at OD all the time. He's been doing it at Liberty Forum for years now.

When he's alone at Lawrence Auster's site, or sometimes at Speakeasy, when he is satisfied that his audience is receptive, he starts talking about 'social conservatism' and having the Red States 'mix' with Mexicans or opening the borders.

Even the best minds sympathetic to our side will vociferously defend him - I'm thinking of Steamship Time.

I am beginning to suspect that Whites are biologically non-viable.

Peter Hitchens, a halfie, wrote a whole book about the decline of Britian; the Jewish Question is nowhere mentioned (as if it could be published).

Half-Jews are a thousand times as dangerous as full Jews; they look and sound more like us, but never give up on their defense of Jewish ethnic interests.

Peter's half brother, Chris, is even more bizarre. The Irish blood and the Jewish blood in his body are obviously battling in his body for dominance; it's like a vampire movie. He clearly didn't get his 'drinkie' genes from his Jewish parent, nor do I think his hysterical and vociferous worship of Trotsky and Lenin comes from his Irish parent.

The list could be extended indefinately. Since the elite of even a large nation like the U.S. could be easily all be incorporated into a family structure (if not by mixed genetics or marriage, at least by first degree relation), which would also tend to prevent any advocacy of White ethnic interests.

Look at Scott McConnel at TAC: married East Asian, is at pains to argue against or belittle the ethnic angle for American Whites. White group affiliation threatens his precious little entries into the gene pool.

As to Fade's question: why do Europeans allow Jews in their societies, there's a simple answer: Christianity.



07-18-2006, 02:31 PM

You're on to something here. I have also noticed that many WNs positively go out of their way to appear as deviant and abnormal as possible.

It concerns me, Fade, that throughout this thread, you have continued to drive home the rhetorical equation White Nationalism = skinheads, NSM, Glen Miller.

You have all the subtlety, and the intellectual integrity, of the MSM talking about the Deep South.

Have you noticed how even those who are perfectly aware of the JQ find it next to impossible to create a viable political movement?

Have you found it odd that persons in the middle and upper clasess, without whom any political movement is impossible, even when they are aware of the JQ, will do anything to silence discussion of it?

Billy Graham, Richard Nixon, and thousands of others were aware of a problem of biological competition - the nation-within-a-nation strategy - ever since the time of McCarthy (and before, of course), but wouldn't speak out about it. Even McCarthy wouldn't point out - as Nixon did, privately, that "all of them" (i.e. American Communists in the employ of the Soviets) besides Chambers and Hiss (he had his suspicions about Hiss) were Jewish, and that this fact crippled the ability to eradicate Soviet presence in the upper levels of U.S. Government.

You might also consider the the difficulty in creating a movement that names the Jew is another evidence of Jewish power. As soon as she started peeping up about Iraq being a 'war for Israel', Cindy Sheehan was surrouded by Jewish money, advisers, etc. They gave her free PR, got her on TV, made her a name brand.

But from the day they arrived, no more mention of "a war for Israel".

Does anyone remember James Moran?

Now there will be a war in Iran, also for Israel. But we're all too genteel here to say that out loud in public. Someone might think we were sporting a Nazi uniform, or hadn't recieved a proper education, that our dentistry was substandard or - worst of all - that our elocution was lacking.

Someone call Professor Higgins!

I have also noticed that many WNs positively go out of their way to appear as deviant and abnormal as possible

Jared Taylor, who enforces suit-and-tie at AmRen meetings, would be an exception to this rule, as would everyone who attends those meetings. You do realize that Taylor identifies as a White Nationalist?

Your obsessive return to the unfortunate facts of undersocialized or mentally ill lower and working class Whites to tar gentile group affiliation, is as damaging as Adorno and as reprehensible as the ADL.

It doesn't just remind me of anti-White strategy. It is anti-White strategy.

At the very least, not mentioning them would do more help for the cause of Whites than obsessively lingering on them as the perilous 'end state' of being honest about the Jewish question.

It's a simple fact that simple minded or undersocialized people are more likely to give direct vent to their instinct, or to say things that everyone knows is true, but won't talk about openly.

The same strategy can be used against those who have a pronounced dislike of Blacks, such as yourself. I find that Southerners who go on and on about fig leaf issues such as Black I.Q. and criminality so often have a robe and hood in their closet, and secretly only want to lynch black males, all the better to secure the supply of purple poon for themselves.

If fact, since this board has been so thorough in its equation of anti-Judaics with dress up Nazis and other assorted fuck ups, wouldn't now be the time for an equally 'fair and balanced' look at Deep South and anti-Black elements therein?

That pair of Jerry Springer glasses you have on can be turned to any subject with similar results, Fade.

Have you noticed how even those who are perfectly aware Black I.Q. and criminality find it next to impossible to create a viable political movement?

Why is that, I wonder? Is it because they're all a bunch of Epsilon semi-morons?

You're on to something here. I have also noticed that many anti-Black southerners positively go out of their way to appear as deviant and abnormal as possible.

You can say that again! With their confederate flags, old trucks (with which they drag black to death), bad teeth, worse diction, low I.Q.s and high rates of criminality, southern anti-black crusaders are a albatross around all our necks.

Americans like blacks, and southern whites who won't toe the line on this question ought to be demonized by the relentless airing of footage and reports of their personal hygeine, beliefs about bigfoot, and snake handling.

In fact, I think I'm going to bring this up over and over again, so there is a rough balance between the smear campaign equating those who warn us against Jews as being exclusively from the undersocialized working classes, and the revelation that an awful lot of southerners who talk about 'criminality' and 'I.Q.' do so as code word for their fascination with big, black dicks.

Of course, I'm not talking about you here Fade. And I know you'll keep that in mind.



07-20-2006, 02:21 AM

Is this an acknowledgement that the JQ is not the sole problem?


Where did Christianity come from? What was its point of origin, and what were it's vectors of transmission? Gibbon: "The zeal of the Jews".

Freud himself thought anti-Semitism a natural phenomenon based on the large scale uprooting, permanent alientation from ancestry, earth, history, heritage, bodily existence and the cultural destruction that was consequent upon all of this, being instinctively recognized as the actions of a particular people.

From Moses and Monotheism:

We must not forget that all the peoples who now excel in the practice of antisemitism became Christians only in relatively recent times, sometimes forced to it by bloody compulsion. One might say they are all ‘badly christened;’ under the thin veneer of Christianity they have remained what their ancestors were, barbarically polytheistic. They have not yet overcome their grudge against the new religion which was forced on them, and they have projected it on to the source from which Christianity came to them. The facts that the Gospels tells a story which is enacted among Jews, and in truth treats only of Jews, has facilitated such a projection. The hatred for Judaism is at bottom hatred for Christianity, and it is not surprising that in the German National Socialist revolution this close connection of the two monotheistic religions finds such clear expression in the hostile treatment of both

Interestingly, this was the topic of Spengler's column in the Asia Times this week:

Christians began with contempt for the flesh of their own origins; post-Christians envy the "authenticity" of the peoples who never were called out from the nations, for they have left the pilgrimage in mid-passage and do not know where they are or where they should go.

It is difficult to be a Christian, for the faith that points to the Kingdom of God conflicts with the Gentile flesh whence Christians come; but it is oppressive, indeed intolerable to be an ex-Christian, for it is all the harder to trace one's way back.

[. . .]

An overpowering nostalgia afflicts the American post-Christian, for whom the American journey has neither goal nor purpose.

The larger context of the article is the fraud of primitive 'authenticity'.

Regarding Petr's blatherings, I do associate the presence of Jews with the political and social destruction of nations. I will be happy to assemble a list of historical examples for his edification: Spain, Germany, Russia, Britain, The United States. In each case loud warnings from first rate minds came before the crash. I will attempt to stitch these together.

At any rate, I do not hold 'superstitions' regarding the Jews that Petr does, starting with his ludicrous belief that "salvation is of the Jews". This is an example of his twisted Jewish supremacist thinking. I, on the other hand, regard Jews as a parasite that no White nation (save National Socialist Germany) has ever tried to deal with in a systematic way. The various expulsions which many Christians try to claim to the credit of their Church, were more often populist uprisings, or the acts of Princes. Spain never really did recover from the police state she needed to establish to identify the Jews who were posing as Christians, and surreptitiously continued their work of trade monopolies, culture distortion, and the like. Far from superstition, my case rests on undeniable facts that span two thousand years.

Dan Dare: I am disheartened beyond my ability to say that JJT supports 'assimilation' as a solution to the Jewish Question. How he has come to this degree of foolishness is shocking to me.

Originally Posted by Perun
WM...Jewish communities existed in Europe even before the birth of Jesus himself.

This may be so, by why did no one systematize or observe the inevitable results of interactions with Jews over the centuries in Europe. Why did the Chruch not wipe them out, as they did with the Albigensians?

The truth is, as is acknowledged by an increasing number of Jews, that they survived the last two thousand years while Christian sects were mercilessly persecuted or destroyed outright, or even, as in the case of the Albigensians, having their whole region laid waste in order to get every last one. Where does the Church act in this manner towards the Jews? Answer: it doesn't. The Church is the guarantor of the Jews' survival:

To show that this is a childish outburst rather than a reasoned argument, it is only necessary to ask the following question: If Christianity really sought the elimination of the Jews, why did it wait 1,600 years between the conversion of Constantine and the Second World War to begin? As Jacob Neusner observes, Judaism survived in the Christian world not only because Jews chose to remain Jewish, but also because Christianity chose to permit it to survive. Christians began many a war of extermination against their own heretics while leaving Jews in peace. St. Thomas Aquinas insisted that Jews were not to be attacked at the same time that he defended the bloody extirpation of heretics in Provence.1 The religious wars of the 17th century wiped out more than half the German-speaking population of Europe, but left the Jews in peace.

Why the Jews, Perun? Because of your Church.

I am happy to see that abomination finally break down into outright "we are slaves of the Jews" movements, as with Petr's own Dominion Theonomy, which he, an inveterate liar, has flatly refused to make a statement regarding, no matter how many times he is questioned about it. He wishes to impose the full horror of Hebrew law on Whites, and knows he must go about his work in secret, just like the group he is impersonating. Like Spengler says, his relgion begins is hatred of his own flesh (meaning ancestry as well as the body) and, in the foolish belief that "Salvation is of the Jews", secretly wishes and works to impose The Law on Gentiles. The ultimate parasitism: inside the Finnish corspe it animates, is no Aryan soul but a Jew.

My guess is he supports intermarriage since it would tend to erase Western Heritage. As Steve Sailer points out, intermarriage between Jews and Whites is not randomly distributed - it is concentrated among elites. A broad anti-Semitic movement, which will at some point be needed, would be impossible if every verbally talented White in America has a Jewish spouse, friend, brother or sister in law or lover.

This is what makes the case of JJT so sad. Everyone is constantly saying, oh, the Jews don't have any influence outside the United States, but their whole upper class is rotten with them, has been since the Belloc wrote his book, The Jews.

Even intermarried and disguised, as they are, they do everything possible to destroy the people who have made a home for them - they can literally do no other. A hyperethnocentric people, both genetically and culturally primed for war against their host populations, is not going to lay down their burdens and rest. For heavens sake! Have the Jews ever had a better time of things than they have had in America? And where has that left us?

Psuedo-Assimilation simply lends even more power to their strategy of crypsis. Britian, which soon might qualify for admission to the African Untion, is the work of a hybrid upper-class. Half Jews never did stop their practices of Cultural Distortion. As Nietzsche observed, "It is quite impossible for a man not to have the qualities and predilections of his parents and ancestors in his constitution, whatever appearances. may suggest to the contrary. This is the problem of race. .

In this regard, Petr bungles his evidence again: the book, Hitler's Jewish soldiers, is hardly a record of eager, loyal citizens happily fighting for the Reich. It is the memoirs of a group of people terrorized by circumstance into complying with the wishes of their superiors. I'm not surprised he'd enter it into evidence here. His most endearing habit is how he is constantly alluding to evidence that blows up in his face.



07-20-2006, 05:13 PM

Originally Posted by Petr
I myself, a Christian, feel that Jews have no magical powers. They are more or less just like any other ethnicity, and can lose their identity and disappear through intermarriage and loss of cultural memory.

Well, Petr, here's another (and better) Christian on the same question:

"Marriages began to take place, wholesale, between what had once been the aristocratic territorial families of this country and the Jewish commercial fortunes. After two generations of this, with the opening of the twentieth century those of the great territorial English families in which there was no Jewish blood were the exception. In nearly all of them was the strain more or less marked, in some of them so strong that though the name was still an English name and the traditions those of purely English lineage of the long past, the physique and character had become wholly Jewish and the members of the family were taken for Jews whenever they travelled in countries where the gentry had not suffered or enjoyed this admixture."

That's from The Jews, by Hillaire Belloc. You might be familiar with it.

He wrote those lines in 1922, looking back over a century of implementation of your, and Fade's, and JJT's endlosung.

Tell me, Petr, how fares England?

Have Jews 'lost their identity' or 'dispersed' or even, as you suggest 'dissappeared' via this vigorous regimen of frequent intermarriage?

Or, is it the British people who are disappearing? I hear you can walk around London these days for hours without seeing a White Face.

The topic of intermixed elites is a very simple one: given that you, JJT, and Fade are not unfamiliar with ethnic strife in history, why you should assume that Jews marrying our elites would treat us in some different way than the Latin American overclass treats their people, is simply unfathomable to me.

Moreover, as we have seen, Judaism among Latin American elites has persisted, even in hiding, for four hundred years. All that had to happen was for these people to be told they were Jews, and they immediately went about what Jesus euphemistically referred to as 'their Father's business.'

I presume you know that Theodor Hertzl was an ardent German nationalist, until he found out he was Jewish.

There is also the case of Madelaine Albright and Wesley Clark. You'll recall the assistance that Serbia rendered the Jews during WWII, and the comeuppance they recieved for their trouble at the hands of Mr. Albright and Mr. Clark.

Clark is a perfect example of the 'assimilated' Jew - looks Gentile, is in the armed forces, etc.

But, like the others, he is 'about his Father's business':

Jewish-American General and recent Presidential candidate Wesley Clark also believes in the "nation as idea" concept -- with a vengeance. He told CNN, as his forces savagely bombed Serbian civilians in 1999, "Let's not forget what the origin of the problem is. There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states. That's a 19th century idea and we are trying to transition into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states."

Can you imagine what a United States wholly ruled by human-Jewish hybrids would behave? I certainly can. Think of Al Gore - pretty much under the thumb of New Republic editor Marty Peretz. His daughter is now married to the grandson of Jacob Schiff, the man who transported Lev Bronstein (Trotsky) and 20 million dollars worth of gold to Russia, to effect revolution. Schiff has also financed the Japanese in their war with Russia, with the explicit intent of destabilizing the Czar - and it worked.

At any rate, Al Gore is now "all in the family" with these guys. And you, Fade, and JJT think that creating a paranoid and megalomanical overclass will result in a relaxation of tensions of what Nietzche called "Rome vs. Judea"?

Tell it to Londoners. Tell it to all the Whites who are being dispossed from their own nations by faceless 'elites'. From the standpoint of a Jew-human hybrid, what else is a unified ethnic group that they rule other than the source of future holocausts?

That is the only thing, besides dollar signs, Jews see when they look at non-Jews. The sole result of an alien overclass ruling a group they are not related to is firstly, fear, and secondly, exploitation. Mexico is a paradigmatic example here, though Britian and the United States are not far behind. Your 'final solution' is living death for any Whites left alive in the face of such a disaster, who will be used solely for sexual slavery, warfare, and downbreeding with Blacks and Mexicans to effect their cultural erasure. This last process, in case you hadn't noticed, is well underway.

And all you can think to do is accelerate it!

Petr, Fade: why not get the problem over with by moving to London now? I see no reason why you shouldn't be enjoying your solution to the Jewish Question right this very minute.

Keep your Qu'rans handy, of course. I wouldn't want for either of the two of you to suffer death or bodily harm just because your understanding of the Jewish Problem is so wide of the mark that it has led you to propose what is essentially perpetual enslavement for our race.



07-20-2006, 05:46 PM

What is your solution to the JQ? If I recall correctly, it was shipping the Jews off to Madagascar and surrounding them by a naval blockade.

You do not recall correctly, at least as far as this thread is concerned.

However, I will remember to use smileys more often with you, if my daydreams are to be taken prima facie as policy recommendations.

Consulting this very thread, again, we find my actual propostion:

Would the assimilationists here attempt to interfere with the determined attempt by a group of Whites to create a climate of opinion in the West so hostile to Jews that they would have to leave of their own choice: Bolshevik Holocaust Museums, Passion Plays, Documentaries about Jewish political power, or mohels, or the Kosher tax, or a ten part PBS series based on the works of Israel Shahak or attacking the Exterminationsit theories of Jewish internment, etc.?

An unrelenting, centuries long, propaganda effort that would probably, among other things, result in physical attacks on Jewish persons and properties by the unbalanced?

In my opinion, either this will happen (combined with a good incentive structure for leaving) or our Civilization will perish. And that's the happy outcome. As I outline above, rule by an alien elite whose sole interest is in a downbred and deculturized proletariat is a far more likely fate than simple (and preferable) destruction.

Please read my posts more carefully, Fade. You have verged on deliberate misrepresentation twice on this very thread, which is quite unlike you.

Your question also strikes me as more than just a little disingenuous, since it is the same answer I gave you at the Civic Forum. Surely your memory can't be this bad?

Create a climate of opinion that does for them what the climate of opinion does for us: causes self-hatred, limits reproduction, encourages emigration, inspires fear of openly speaking in one’s own ethnic interests for fear of physical reprisal or job loss, etc. Continually feed this climate over decades, until the very sanity of the target group is shaken. This is one advantage we have in comparison to the Jews: much lower levels of neuroticism. They’ll break psychologically very quickly. Look at Michael Weiner. For him, the “Holocaust” is on its way already! And all of this because a few people on the internet have noticed that PNAC and the Iraq war were basically a Jew thing. Ditto Iran. I would say two decades of a “Critique of Jewish Culture” would have them begging for terms.
This process should be brought to a feverish summit where repatriation or sterilization are offered as alternatives for Jews, Muslims, etc.

I trust you are now clear on what I believe to be the best way to proceed: thoroughgoing and permanent demonization, but with fact and not intimation. Kevin MacDonald has cleared the way. What remains, as I have said to you before, is to expand the circle of sanity one by one.



07-22-2006, 04:33 AM

Note to all you Western neo-pagans who admire Savitri Devi and Hinduism (in a distant abstract sense of course) : modern Hindu nationalists are embarrassed by your support!


Not only are they duty bound to be embarrassed by her support, since she is - possibly - the most ardent Nazi who ever lived, der Fuhrer included, I think we're duty bound to tut-tut her contributions in public, in order to aid resistance to Islam in India.

Privately, that woman did almost as much as the British Empire to assist India, possibly more. The Hindu Nationalists are rightly embarrassed, because their movement is so dependant on her and her husband's work.

I'm split on the 'Aryan Invasion' thing. I don't doubt that it happened, but multiculturalists are trying to use it to push an "India has always been a land of immigrants" message, in order to destroy yet another country.

I think, like the utter and complete dependance of both the Soviet and American space programs on Operation Paperclip, it can be kept quiet until such time as it's not likely to harm anyone. Hitler was certainly well thought of in India during the war years. Indians were very proud to see the swastika everywhere.

I hope they don't have to wait too long to see it in public again.

If she opposed the Christian destruction of Pagan temples, why did she venerate Akhenaton, the first known temple-destroyer, the first known believer in a single god intolerant of others?

This is still an open question for me. I have never understood her take on Akhenaton, either. It's pretty plain now that Set-worshipping Hyksos and exiled priests from the Amarna period met up somewhere in Canaan to hatch history's greatest evil. The Set worshippers provided the theme of contesting brothers, which runs throughout the Old Testament, and also the Exodus story, a prototypical Jewish rewrite of a successful explusion under Thutmose III, where they were the good guys and the Egyptians the first gentiles, who hated the innocent Hyksos for their goodness. Or something. But the savage, intolerant strain of Judaism that has now lain waste to the entire world, the spiritual impulse to destroy all other forms of worship, is plainly borne from Akhenaten's diseased imagination.

In many ways, the history of our world is a nightmare the Ancient Egyptians are having.

The early Indo-Aryans could no more have thought in modern terms of the race prejudice than they could have invented the airplane". In the same year, Dalit leader Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar recapitulated the findings of physical anthropology to conclude that "the Brahmins and the Untouchables belong to the same race".

Just so everyone's clear on this, both of these statements are crazy.



07-22-2006, 12:08 PM

Is Hindu nationalism really dependent on Devi in any meaningful way?

As with any historical question, opinions vary. I think she was a tremendous influence, even a decisive one. Modern Indian opinions will say she was neglible, but then, they'd have to, because association with her will weaken their case against Muslims and Christian missionaries - it opens them to the accusation: "Nazi!"

To my mind, Dev's private opinions are simply not relevant. She thought nationhood for India important, and dedicated an enormous effort to providing what is essentially a foreign idea (the modern nation state) into the heart of Indian thought, more often at home in the Kosmos than on Earth. I would say that the way had been cleared for her by the British, who by the establishement of law codes and a common language, really did all the heavy lifting.

But law codes and a common language do not a nation make, as the United States and Britian are now learning. (I exempt France and Canada, who have not attempted significant assimilative pressure on immigrants until recently. They are now switching to an 'assimilate' mode, but evidence from the US and the UK indicates that this, too, is not helpful) Dev provided the missing element: the idea of the nation as a supreme value, second only to God.

In my opinion, that idea is roughtly on a par, as a contribution to nationhood, with the British roads, laws, and language. She introduced the notion into gentle Hindu hearts, your nation is worth fighting and dying for.

Whatever one's final estimate of Dev's contribution to Hindu nationalism, it is obvious from the article you posted that it is significant enough to be both embarrasing to the Hindus and a potent political weapon for the opposition.

Add to that the fact that I was aware of the politcal realities described in the article, which you thought might be new to me, and you can infer that Dev's contribution is pretty significant.



07-23-2006, 08:48 AM

The Serpent Seed doctrine on the Illumanit and of Biblical grounds believe Paul the Apostle was send into the Church to spread false witness, that Eve had children with Satan, ie Cain etc.

People laugh at this stuff, myself included. But why is it funnier to think that Paul the Apostle was sent into the Church to spread false witness, than it is to think he was sent into Church to tell things that Jesus, the Son of God, had forgotten to mention in his time on Earth?

"God sent me to mention a few things He forgot, including . . . "

Why is it funnier to believe that Eve had sex with Satan than it is to believe that she had sex with Adam? To paraphrase John Cleese, naked women in gardens talking with snakes is no foundation for a sound system of speciation.

But seriously: that one does not laugh at the first system of stories indicates the degree to which they have been normalized, even though they are false.

There are many things already in your mind that are also normalized but false. They go unnoticed in the day to day course of events, going about their business.

You should take a look at them one day - know thyself.

Mind you the use of "reptilian" isn't a metaphor but an actual belief

I think it is a defense mechanism. I think the whole "Black Brotherhood" and "Illuminati" hoo-hah would collapse the minute these poor people (who have been driven round the bend by contemplation of the architecture of political power) found it within themselves to say "Oh. Well, all that stuff was just a huge reaction formation. Now that I can say the word 'Jew' out loud, the need for these entities would fall away, like planetary epicycles in the face of the Copernican system.

People who disagree with me can feel free to explain why B'nai Brith acts to keep David Icke out of Canada, on account of his 'anti-Semitism'. I will never forget an interview I read with the B'nai Brith on this subject. The woman said "He's talking about reptiles!"

How is that antisemitism, asked the journalist.

"He's talking about alien, shape changing reptiles," she replied in a conspiratorial whisper. "Who else do you think he's talking about? How could he be any plainer?"

Jews are notorious for their delusions of reference, and I think this Canadian ADL official was both delusional and right, just like her counterparts, who think that lizards run the world.

It's also important to note: the ADL has been very successful in its campaign against David Icke.

The saddest man I know (my own judgement, he is reasonably happy in his private life), has figured out all the anomolies in the presentation of the news and worked backwards logically to their source (the J word). After he explained this to me (it was primarily regarding the Iraq war) about the faked weapons data[*] and Israel's strategic intent, he concluded - again correctly - that this was a war for Israel.

I was impressed by the man's mind. He was intelligent, did not introduce unneccessary elements into his speculations, did good research, and otherwise showed the proper concern for both logic, consistency, and his own civic duty.

But he had done - nothing.

Why, I asked him?

Well, the Jews are the Chosen People of God, and we cannot go against them, he said.

Then he quoted "I will bless those that bless thee, and curse those who curse thee", a phrase that along with "salvation of the Jews", makes Christianity a far more slavish religion than even Nietzsche would allow. He thought Christianity the introduction of 'slave morality' to the Gentile world, which it was. But it is also a slave religion in the actual bondage of minds and souls to Jews and Judaism. I knew the moment he said it, that, no matter how much he knew or had figured out, he wouldn't say anything or act to stop what was happening.

Thus he had become, against his own will, a traitor to his Country, his Race, and his Civilization.

For this, I blame the Jews and Christianity. Jewish 'media control' consists halfway of wetware assets - having their software on your mainframe.

The stuff they show you on television is just more gold for the lily.


[*]The faked weapons data is something even Fade isn't going to be able to cite his way out of. Judith Miller - Michael Ledeen - Douglas Feith (constantly identified in the press as a 'Canadian') - the Office of Special Plans - Abram Shulsky. The creation and promotion of the false data which drove history was entirely concocted and promoted by Jews. And, contra the new gospel according to the BNP and AmRen, this is not a neocon thing. (the strategy of saying the word 'neocon' is to a)avoid naming the Jews and b)further exculpate Jews because they pay gentile frontmen - Bill "Slots" Bennet, among others - to stand out front when the picture is taken, i.e. Neocons are not all Jewish, which is a functional lie. Bill Bennet and Jeane Kirkpatrick sign documents written for them, but do nothing to formulate policy, except instinctively give the proper soundbites which will allow for continued access to grants, speaking fees, and other forms of status and/ or wealth. They're more like lab rats pressing a bar to recieve 'reward pellets' than people, now.

I say it is not a 'neocon' thing because the whole system would have folded like a deck of cards if the New York Times (read: the Sulzberger family) didn't give front page above the fold priority to Miller's false WMD stories when they were useful, essentially controlling the news cycle for weeks on end, and then following through by not giving similar attention and/or outrage when the data proved to be false, was, if anything, more important to getting the war started, and keeping it going, than the data itself.

And, it should go without saying, that the New York Times is not a neocon paper, nor is Judith Miller a neocon. The New York faction of Jewry is often embarrassed by, and sometimes punishes, Zionists, with whom they share a precarious fate. For their own part, Israelis don't think much of New York Jews, because they often complicate rather than assist, in Zionist plans. Both parties, of course, are adept players at the plausible deniability game and know to cover for each other, even if they hate doing so.


07-23-2006, 11:30 AM

Bracketing other considerations for the moment, this shows a critical confusion between the goals of a party seeking electoral prowess and cultural - or meta-political - change.

There was never a "Female Nationalist Party" - a few Jews simply "named the man" relentlesly until elected parties had to toe their line. There was never an electoral "Women's Party" although that role is now played by the Democrats. So here we have an example of a cultural or sociological change which then translates (or trickles down) into political activity. More accurately, it constrains the political range of motion of other agents in the same polity. Hence the tag "meta-politics", which would include religion and other factors.

Similarly, there was never a "Jewish National Party" which sought political power through elected office (buying our Congress, Senate, and news outlets is another matter). Rather, by "naming the White" in every way possible - for a century - they eventually effected a cultural change which then formed 'the permissible limits of dissent' which no Gentile can be seen publicly to trespass.

Finally, you're wrong about any significant number of people, in power or out, knowing anything about the Jewish Question. Nobody - and I mean nobody - understands that our war against Iraq was a war for Israel, as has now been admitted on several occasions by Administration officials and policy analysts, notably Phil Zeliknow, who is now head of the 9/11 commission. This simply isn't reported and it is likewise untrue that the man in the street has any idea that "neocon" equals Jew, although Jews are themselves, to a man, terrified that this equation will take place in the public mind. They should put their mind at rest on the issue. The dots are not going to get any closer than they are now, and the American public has not connected them.

My main point is this: you consistently conflate standard democratic elective requirements for political viability and cultural agitation. Could feminists or gays field political candidates while they were effecting their respective first wave of cultural change? Absolutely not. Homosexual activism, which I believe dates back to the fifties in the United States, not only couldn't field a openly gay candidate, they themselves could not be openly gay and function in society, outside of certain circles in New York City and San Francisco.

Their situation, and ours, are almost perfectly analagous. I'm sure other Whites on this board have had to "come out of the closet" and that this was just as dramatic and resulted in as many broken families and friendships as the other sort of 'coming out'.

Nowadays, the only scandal attached to gay politicians are if they're cheating on their wife with a Mossad operative. And I have to say, that can hardly be construed as prejudice on the part of the media or the electorate.

I think something that is beginning to sink in for me, here, for the first time, is just how different the needs and goals of political activity and meta-political activity really are. What is now vaguely reffered to as "White Nationalism" (because Whites can't have ethnic interests without elaborate theoretical justification, unlike everyone else on earth, who are born to theirs) is going to bifurcate: nascent political activity, probably building around the immigration issue and the upcoming collapse of the Republican party, has certain needs, including disassociation from the Jewish Question.

The Jewish Question, which is the real game, will have to be addressed on different grounds. Any political party will have to avoid even the appearance of connection to genuine White ethnic interests, biding its time until the culture changes.

But the culture will not change as a result of political parties.It can only change as a result of widespread and longterm cultural activism, probably along the lines, as I have said many times, of gay activism, feminism, and PETA. These three groups have succeeded where white nationalism has - up to now - failed: making 'unacceptable' ideas or people into either everday folk, or, the ones who wear the pants and call the shots, in home, at work, and in politics.

Not one of these groups effected their revolution by electoral action. That they can now effectively field candidates (I think PETA has not reached this stage, but they're getting there), i.e. engage in electoral politics was an effect of meta-political activity, not a cause of it.

AmRen has a foot in both camps. The BNP is purely political. If Britons think their nation will be salvaged by political activity and not constant, agonizing, ceaseless agitation at a cultural level, they are fools. White Americans would be even more foolish to make this same error, as they will be a minority in their own country very soon, now. If "there will always be an England" , then they really will have to fight them in the villages. Political parties will no more avail them of salvation under the Jewish ideoverse they are trapped in, any more than an electoral party would have been an effective resistance against Nazi invasion. There may indeed come a day, and soon, when Britons will have to "fight them on the shores". To clarify, though: this is a war of ideas and moral authority, though the fighting on the shores may one day become a literal reality, a la Camp of the Saints.

I think dual action on the part of AmRen and the BNP have cleared the waters: we are now at the point where the trunk of our stipling has begun to branch. Some of us are born to tend one branch, and some the other.

A negotiated parting of the ways seems in order. The BNP's position paper on the JQ is insanely wrong-headed, and yet still sadly necessary, as Britain is already a totalitarian state. Hence the full-throated demonization, ridicule, and ill-informed argumentation in the position paper you reprinted. Under totalitarianism, it's not just enough to fall in line with Offical Doctrine: one must exceed others in enthusiasm for it, or come under suspicion.

You say, Fade, that people in power are well aware of Jewish influence. I can assume, then, that Nick Griffin's screed amounting to 'Jews are just like White liberals', etc, was a conscious lie? And that he is aware that the speech laws under which he is being persecuted were theorized, promoted, financed, agitated for, by Jews and no one else? (they have their origin in "Group Libel Law" a product, solely, of the Board of British Jews) I ask because I could not get an accurate read on that man's intentions or degree of knowledge. This, presumably, is because he is a good politician.

As for cultural activism, I hadn't considered it's needs as a separate issue 'til now. I will say that I will have start from scratch, as I, too, conflated political and meta-political considerations in WN until recently. I will say that my goals are broader than those typical of political parties, and are more like those of ideology, religion, or scientific theory: effecting a sea change in consciousness of millions of people. I of course support the BNP and any party that might achieve similar goals in the states, but ultimately their goal of limiting immigration and ending anti-discrimination law are at odds with what I need: unlimited mexigration, chaotic economic collapse, and getting the Adversary to drop the globalist net prematurely - which sounds harder than it will be. Having studied the Jews at the highest level of resolution for five years know, I think I have discovered their sole flaw: messianism.

The only two incidences which actually threatened the continuity of Jewish Race-Culture were early Christianity; which they successfully neutralized, and Sabbati Zev. Zev came closer to destroying Jewry forever, and far more completely than even the Holocaustian's imaginary "ovens". By raising Messianic expectation all across Europe, and then 'taking the turban' just as Jewish hopes were maximized, he sent shock waves through Jewry which reverbate to this very day. Jews announced to their European neighbors that the Messianic Age was nigh, and foolishly explained to them that soon, all the gentiles would be slaves of the Jews!

The one instance in all of world history when Jews were honest! Making hash of Leo Albus' "The Torah Contortionist" lengthy - and false - assurances of the benevolence of the Talmud and the culture that results from it.

Anyway, the European neighbors remembered the promises of the Jews, and when Zev brain-farted at the critical moment, they were at once cosmically mocked, villified, filled with hatred of God for letting them down - again! - and were generally disheartened to the point of destruction.

A lot of Jews were quite sure, centuries later, that Communism was the messianic age, when Jews would make slaves of all the world, but this time they were more circumspect in their speech. However, another messianic pretender, Trotsky, again crapped out at the critical moment, and the Tribe was outwitted and their prize stolen from them - by a Georgian!

And they say Jews are smart. I think they're more like the instinctive predators from the Alien movies - they're clever to the point of devildom, but it's so instinctive that it seems wrong to compare it to human reaonsing. There is an unknown mechanism at work here, sometimes called "hive mind" by both advocates and detractors alike.

I think Whites can develop something very like this hive mind, and have on certain historical occasions: David Duke offers the example of the odd convergence - almost perfect - between the spread of Christianity and the geographical expanse of Aryans. He points out - wisely I think - that something more than geopolitics - or even geo-metapolitics - is at work here.

I concur, completely, though I have no understanding of this mechanism.

I do know, however, that every Jew on earth knows that Whites can achieve that sort of Race-Consciousness and that their ultimate aim is to prevent this occurance. Nazism, a slave revolt that almost toppled the whole messianic age - including its economic paradigms - clearly traded on this mechanism.

As I said, these are things that are not understood or even allowed in proper discussions of history. But, since there are many real things which do not make it into the history books, just as there are many real phenomena which are not found in science books, I suppose it is our job to investigate. We use what works, whether it is officially acknowledged to exist or not.

It is possible that what we are seeing as a death crisis in the West is only half-seen, or better, half-understood. It could be a crisis of both death and rebirth.

Enough thinking out loud for today.

As you were,



07-23-2006, 05:34 PM

This is a false dichotomy. The practical men at AmRen and BNP have suggested that something else be tried, and so some people will do that. You are one of them, and I have wished you well, both in public and in private. Some of us will be laying the groundwork for a different kind of activism, namely the meta-political. Will you not also wish us well?

Regarding your argument that "Name the Jew" doesn't work, pray tell us, why the delay in Engish translation and publication of Solshenitsyns' account of Russo-Jewish relations, Two Hundred Years Together? It has been five years now with no translation, and people are beginning to talk. And even though the book is not available in England and the United States (I will be happy to learn if this situation has changed) it certainly has been savaged in the press, most notably by Cathy Young (Jewish) in Reason magazine.

Why would Cathy Young, purported libertarian, denounce a book that her readers cannot obtain for themselves? Can you tell us the answer to that question?

You constantly refer to publishing and media as business interests which are driven by 'bottom line' calculations. Is this why there were so many feature films about the horrors of Communism made from the fifties to the current day? Is this why there are so many films about the American Revolution and the Founding Fathers? Is this why so many Christian positive films are made in a majority Christian country? Why are publishing houses not snapping up the new Solsynityn book? Why aren't the papers talking about the multiyear delay in an English translation of a major work of a Nobel Prize winner with global recognition? Why is there no scandal here? Can you explain all this to me?

Also, why not a wider and more public debate about Kevin MacDonald's intriguing book, The Culture of Critique? Were you aware that a council was convened at Slate magazine by Judith Shulevitz, where she attacked Stephen Pinker and other major (Jewish) evolutionary psychologists for not having already destroyed MacDonald's career? She was asking, in effect, how did this book come into being? Why does it exist? How did you fail in your prime task? And the (Jewish) evolutionary psychologists asked her, Judith, why are we speaking about this in public? By speaking about this is public, we will only alert readers to the book's existence.

Do you begin to see why, in this matter, I defer to the superior wisdom of the Jews and count as nothing your claim that open discussion of Jewish interests and strategies "doesn't work"? A race much more adept at survival than ourselves doesn't seem to agree with you, in fact their opinons and your own seem to be at complete variance, and I trust their instincts more than I trust your political acumen.

When I turn on the news, and see that every political action that is the result of Jewish crypsis, Jewish strategizing, or Jewish financing are discussed as such, as plainly and calmly as any other item of news, then I will discontinue my strategy of discussing Jewish ethnopolitical manuevers with compensatory emphasis. In other words, I will stop my program of education when its basic tenets are normalized elements of political debate and commentary everywhere on Earth.

Your complaint, that "name the Jew" doesn't work, is wrong. There are two truths for you here: firstly, that it does work, only more slowly than you would like and secondly, that education is never a waste.

Now, it is very likely that the new AmRen and BNP projects, if successful, will even further marginalize people who are honest about these matters. I understand your percieved necessity in disassociation from the Jewish Question, and would only suggest that you do not go so far in appeasing Jews that you interfere with our work, which, though slow, is vital. Trying to tar everyone of us with your broad brush of cranks, "Nutzis", or "KKKClowns" or what have you is indeed a strategy that "will not work". The mills of the gods grind slowly, but they grind out justice.

You asked me my political platform last week, and I told you: We are the dead, and the circle of sanity expands one by one.

That is still my position.

